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    At Monroe, Orange county, N, Y., on the line of the Erie railway, is the creamery of the Monroe Dairy association, one of the most successful of its class. It ...

    Article : 640 words
  3. COURTS FOR 1895.

    Sittings of the Supreme Court for the hearing of criminal trials and also for the trial of causes elsewhere than in Melbourne will be held as follows at-- ...

    Article : 105 words

    When ground is plowed m the spring and a stratum of soil four or six inches in depth is shaved completely from that below and reversed in a loose condition ...

    Article : 647 words
  5. Dairy and Creamery.

    Why do not all dairymen bottle milk and then sell it for the same price as the ordinary ladled out milk? This is the question asked by a consumer. In ...

    Article : 392 words
  6. The Honey Bee Exonerated.

    Exhaustive experiments have been conducted under the auspices of the deportment of agriculture to decide if the honey bees are deserving of the severe ...

    Article : 225 words
  7. Insects Injurious to Cabbage.

    At the Mississippi experiment station, where much attention has been devoted insects that injure the cabbage, Mr. E. Weed has followed out the idea, ...

    Article : 106 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,740 words
  9. Fertilizers for Clover.

    Here is what Prairie Farmer says: "If you have had poor success m making oyer grow on your land and have taken proper care as to seed, seeding, etc., it ...

    Article : 49 words



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