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    FORECAST: Scattered coastal showers, otherwise the; Moderate S. winds and seas. ...

    Article : 12 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 22 words
  5. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1 words
  6. Currency Devalued By U.K. & Australia; Dollars Quest

    LONDON, Mon. (A.A.P.) : Britain last night devalued the £ sterling to 2 dollars 80 cents from 4 dollars 3 cents. Australia followed by devaluing her £ in relation to the dollar-from 3.23 to 2.24-but not in relation to sterling, so ...

    Article : 795 words
  7. No title

    Ablaze with" peach blossom, azaleas and cinerarias, the garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R.Newbold at,New Lamhton Heights, made an ideal, setting for the Newcastle Y.M.C.A. garden party on Saturday afternoon. Picture shows Mr. and Mrs. Newbold and Mr. Victor Newbold in an attractive corner of the garden. The organisers were members ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 77 words
  8. Cripps Gives Example

    LONDON, Mon. (A.A.P.): Sir Stafford Cripps gave a "simple example in terms of motor cars" to illustrate what the change in the exchange rate will mean. He said:— "An English motor car is ex- ...

    Article : 241 words
  9. New Rate Shocks America

    NEW YORK, Sunday, (A.A.P.): The new rate of 2.80 dollars to the £ sterling came as a shock to ...

    Article : 340 words
  10. The newcastle Scene

    SURPRISE TOWN lived up to its name for those housing ballot winners who went out and discovered that they were to become pioneers. Most of the troubles could probably be ended fairly ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 568 words
  11. What Sterling Change Means To Australia

    This is what the vital currency decision will mean to Australia:— The Britain-Australia ex-change rate Is unchanged, so ...

    Article : 145 words
  12. 30 Per Cent Increase In All Dollar Purchases

    CANBERRA: The effect of the sterling devaluation is that anything bought by Australia from dollar areas will be 30 per cent, dearer, with the Australian pound-sterling relationship remaining the same. Importers will have to pay ...

    Article : 291 words



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