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  2. Notices to Correspondents.

    IN answer to numerous complaints from subscribers as to the price charged for The QUEENSLANDER, and the disappointment sometimes caused by being unable to obtain copies in country districts, we beg to state that ...

    Article : 1,474 words
  3. Petty Debts Court.

    In the following undefended cases verdicts were given for the amounts claimed with costa : —Butler Brothers v. Thos. Dowdall, £4 19s. 2d., goods sold and delivered ; same v. James ...

    Article : 237 words
  4. Licensing Court.

    BEFORE the Police Magistrate, and Messrs. Rode, Petrie, Southerden, Finney, Ward, M'Master, Cowlishaw, Walker, Buckley, Newman, Perry, Brookes, Wakefield, Buckland, Hubbard, ...

    Article : 231 words
  5. City Police Court.

    WIFE DESERTION.—Mary Watson, wife of William Watson, deposed that her husband had been working on the railway line for some time, and that Since She had left Dalby, where they ...

    Article : 607 words
  6. Letters to the Editor.

    SIR,—The bill for the protection of native birds, though a step in the right direction, makes no provision for the different times in which birds breed in the different Darts of the colony. ...

    Article : 121 words
  7. Water Police Court.

    Magistrate. BROACHING CARGO.—Daniel Strathern, Dougall Martin, and Matthew Love, three seamen be to the ship Rodell Bay, were brought be- fore the court, charged with abstracting a ...

    Article : 136 words
  8. Judicial Affairs.

    BEFORE his Honor Sir James Cockle, Chief Justice, in the matter of Charles John Blakeney, an attorney, and John Wardley, Mr. Hely applied, on behalf or the former, for a review ...

    Article : 831 words
  9. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,045 words



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