Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Friday 3 January 1834, page 2

Police Incidents.

WEDNESDAY — William, Elliot, a runaway from No.10 Road party since the lst September ast, ami win) wait ttppiviiuivled oii Tufsday morn' n^. was placed a( the liar oil a cha'ge ol filing a.

l»islol at a coiporal ot the inoiinied police, wno whs coHveying despatches from Purramatta to Sydney, on Thursday a'tcrnoon, ihe^ iVll^Dec. last, when ihe following eviderire appeared :-— Mr. Bates, a youth of 17 or 18. who resides at ; Middle Harbour stated on Friday morning, a ' who **»« | Hiippime .1' tiV,have coiiinnlfcd several robtwiies, anil -who tiud stivit at a policeinaiion the I'ltrrauM'la Ro id. was at a n-*ig.'. homing lint, belonging I'V Mr Archl-uld. He lepuiiud i hither :irmed, and apuomwwiiBd l-y 'his fervunt. , On arriving at the -hut. he I omul iSl.tiut undtr a bed,-' and nn diaguin^ bim out, pie-eiited Ins piece IOi hiiu, telling him he was ht» ,|-rts--ner.t Alter d» arining him o: Htpirtol ar.d kinle, be was Si-cuieilty alter making a dospeiate resHtanue. ' T^ An assigned servant of Mr; Archbold's was called, wbb stated that the prisoner caino to ill* but late on Monday evenintj, and. r^quo-ted someJ thing to eat, and to br- allowed to utiipibcre that nig lit. which wascomphed5 with. He «aid he hsd Iteen wandering about the rocks lorsome tune back, an i ih tt'he libd lately done a robbery oh a peisor, ol Ihe name of Jones, up the Country. Hearing tbi*r and observing the ,|)rietoiier to have a pmlo secreted in his I -reust, he sent word to -Mr. Bateil which led to l»s apprehension. _ ? | Other two witnesses, also assigned servants to Mr. Aichhold, proved tliat tlie prisoner had siuted, he was the 'mac' that shot at Ihe mounted poll's , man, and had lately committed several'roboeriei. ] The prisoner, iii Hie cour-e of the evening, asked for bullets and powder. , ' ' ' *' John M'Nally. corporal of the mounted policfi , staled tliat Ibe piisoner was the man *ho tired at' i liiin on the Pairainatta Road, when he followed ihe prisoner into the bush, fired ut him once; reloaded his musket, and fired' at him a sec J ml lime. There .were other 'two in«ii busides the prisoner, who 'struck Him severely when he wai dismounted. In the sciiffld he broke the butt enil of his pistol pver Ihe piisoner, and threw away the' pistol, when' he drew his s»vord, and supposed tlie pistol was picked up by the piisoner. He knew Ilia. phlol now produced (and which was found oa '

Klliot) to-be theiaihe ; lie 'knew it from his nuni a Eel being marked1 on- il. Could swear positively I K the prisoner bejng, the1 man who fired at him. i Because he had - lull- view of him. Fully coin / Kitted for'rinng'at,' with intent to- kil I... - Sarah Mordan was put to the bar, charged with contumacy. in bolting ' from her mistress. Mrs. Woolcot. of George-street, and putting herself under the protection of the other sex for the last three weeks. Sarah was picked up by a Charley in the purlieus of Kent-street, who suspecting her to be a runaway.' took her into custody. Something was said about her going back again to her mistress, on hearing which the placed her aims a kimbo, and with the utmost non-chalance exclaimed, "she would be blowed if she would go back again, she would suffer any punishment rather.'— The Bench not being inclined to humour her whim, i.Hrdered two mouths rustication at- the receptacle for such bolters, at Parramatta, and to be returned to service.'