Corowa Free Press (NSW : 1875 - 1954), Friday 8 August 1930, page 1

two priests killed


At the result of a motor acel . dent, which occurred at six o'clock on Tuesday evening about seven ' miles from Benaila on tho Albury

Melbourne road. Rev. Father O'Sulllvan, of Yarrawonga, and " Rev. -Father Tehan, of Beeeh ' worth, were fatally Injured. Tho Rev. Father O'Connor, Of Wan gnrntta, was Injured and safTored from shock. Tho three prients wcro returning from Euroa, after attending a confer-onco at that ceotro yesterday. Although nobody saw tho accident, the Benaila pollco stated last night that another car, travelling towards Molbourne, was met and Father O'Sul llvan, the driver, swerved to make more room. The car left the read formation and ran Into a, tree. The Impact waa terrific and the two priests were killed Instantly. U was not long before assistance arrived. -Tho bodies were taken to tbe Bo-man Catholic Presbytery at Benaila. Both Father O'Sulllvan and Father Teban wore very popular. They were well known In (be district, and recognized by all denominations as the esxcnco of klodneea and goodness.-Father O'Sulllvan. up till recently, Fas stationed at Wodonga, . having previously beon stationed at Ruthor glen. When be answered call to Yar rawonga parish, residents of Wodonga .mado a presentation to him and onlogtscd his good work. Father O'Sulllvan, In- making refer ence on that occaelon to tho splendid timo he had spont. In , Wodonga, said that some (toy ho hoped to be able to como back to 'bo with' tho people there. Mr. J. O'Sulllvan, of Albury, la a brother of deceased. ' ' Fathor Tohan was stationed at Wnngaratta for some time, but later left to take up duties at Bcdchworth. Ho was a' great sport and a true frlond to anyone In troublo. . '