Sun (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1898 - 1929), Sunday 8 May 1910, page 15


THE IVABBURTOfJ RASGES Frank Hann's Opinion. .

Frank .Hann I" Camp, 8 miles (from Lavertori ") sends some information about the Warburtqn' Ranges : — " I was in," at Laverton to-clay, and a lady friend: of mine there, pointed out a paragraph in ' The Sun ' of the 24th, where my name was rather prominently mentioned. Tlis pare- graph is under the heading of ' Mining,' and

begins with a quotation from the March number of the ' Chamber oi Mines Journal,' wherein Mr. C. G. Gibson, of the Geological Survey of W.A., who is publishing his vievo on the ' geological feature's of the Golden Mile, makes the following slatcrn'ent : An interesting fact to note here is that in the neighborhood ?.f Alt. Squires, in the Warbqv'os Ranges district, Mr. Frank Hanii. the well-known bushman and explorer, has reported the occurrence ot large bands of ..vertically bedded conglo-iiieratejj running for miles, end "forming a steep, well-de3ned ridge '"'of hills. Now this is t-lic paragraph I take ex-exception to in his report. First, I will deal with Mt. Squires. People have a verv misleading idea about it. They are under' the impression that tliere is lots of water there.. No such thing ; there is a rock-liole in a; creek that came out of the mount, and runs out- to nothing, and there is only water there after a good season. There was not a drop anywhere around it when I was there. I do not know where Mr. Gibson got liis information from. He is a very great friend of mine, and a reliable mine or geological reporter. I never made the report-he mentioned. He may. have got it from the sample of stones I have sent

from that district at times to the Geological Department, Perth. I know well what conglomerate formation is, but the names of the others T am not well, up in. There is conglomerate there, but/not running as stated in thc report. What I do not dike about the Warburton country is, that it runs east arid west. There is hot a doubt but good- minerals wil, bo found there T' have found copper there in three places. Mr. Simpson, the Government mineralogist, told me the samples of stoite I sent from the Warburton Ranges were the same kind of stone as that found on the March is on diggings, arid he said that where it came from there were good minerals to bo found. You speak of Frost and the Daimells as suitable men to go out : there are lots of men just- as good who -have not had the luck. Hariy Swincer and a few others I know, and lots of others whom I do not yet know, are just as good, but- have not bad tli« luck. Luck is everything. It is a part of tho country the Government ought to spend a little money on to open up ; it will be done later on. A good track can be made to it. . and lots of water ean bo gob -in wells. Hope that you will not think my letter too long. My reason for writing it is to prevent any one being mislcd' by statements wrongly attributed to me- M ineral . country is there, ami a lot of it, but not Mt. Squires. Water in any quantity can be got at- the Warburton by sinking for it." I