Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 25 September 1934, page 5



AQH (Foi best-Monterey and Inslgnis ure ninnes used for the some pin« I enjoyed hearing tiom you Those- ttee« at Mount Vittoria tell a splendid story

WR (Burwood) Ameritan park rrakers plant palms close nnd íemove pvery alternate one when they become too tall foi the places Riven to


WM (frirtovllle) Wisifl la ti usually lncicased by layeiine- some of the íunncr.i near the irround line An) piece that Is pinned down and covered with soil w11! not take tong to root Too often the old plants suckei from eveiy iook end that has been cut with a spade Seveial white varie tie» ate obtainable

RLBW (Matraville) lue sieen coprosin* toi al peppei tree New Zealand Chuatma- tree tall yellow banksia > nil seveial of the she oaks are seaside working trees, and the iollowlnn shrubs tin Ive If the i>oil renditions a e improved Red teroma Uuranta pussv willow bottlebrush hlbls rus hydrangea and oleandei

0 1 (Cheltenham) -Prune the flowering peaches

as roon as the petals fall and the gieen leaves hecin to «how Don t be afrnld ro "horten back the stems which carried the flonris taw-headed ti ees make ii beltei dlspla> than those that are jplndit Wille to one of the ourserymen about that putt wine magiiolU

IIP iMeiiylinde)-Lantana sellowiana is the

name of the tmall flow« enclosed with vow note í f (Inverell) -1 have not been able to And

the name of the specimen you submitted foi Identification out hope soon to be able to do


MB imbi lick ville) Daffodil oulbs aie all the bettei foi a iiftinif now and again say every two or three years io that the offsets can he taken dom the old bulba and the soil or lm pioved bv the addition of old leaf mould and well îottPd stable ltttei The «htftinc should nor prevent the bulbs flowcilng tt Is the dry hot conditions that ruins so many of tht bulbs that are left to tare foi themselves during; the summer time

AM (iMstwoodt firouffhtonlanum I think Is

the name of one of the be*t of the mae pink rhododcndions available foi flowering on the


ICWM iKo^aiah) All the dult blossoms fall

as the\ Inde tlnfeitillsed flowers do not produce finit Do not use kerosene on any of youl trees

Apples ate splayed Just kft'i the flowers have blovtn awaj ^Vritt to the Goiernment Fruit, Deppitment foi instruction« in i Pirara to the hnndllnn ol the unit flv

U'l! (Ryde rile almond Is not a gieat success

In ihf metropolitan aica as onlv > small per

centage of the fruits ripei I do not know of anv means of allfilng Ihe habit The almond Is really a drv count!v tice

1 T (Pendle Killi Native mint muli oí píos

trnnthcra Is the name of the small purple flower you sent to me for identification It Is one of the most popular of the wlldllnRS but onlv carries its flower foi three or foui we»ks and ts then somewhat of n drcU nuinbei a v 11 nrained Hstht soil is neressniy for the mint bjsh

WCPH (Sydneyl-rho-e who muke a success of their worl in the back country deseive a lot of praise I called and <-v\ th» old statue during

the week end

M RM (MosmanI-Jf vou aie only looking for a tree lo keep off the wind plant a »urpentlnc or a brush box especially If there ale othei native trees Handy on the home area

BT (Panamatta) -Chlnensls Is the ti ade name of the ord'naiy wlstaiia Othei varieties are Vfultljuga rairylnK long purple bundie» of blossom MuIMJusra white and Mtiltijuga pink Each of the e arry beautiful lons racemes

of flower