Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Wednesday 22 May 1918, page 8


A large and friendly gathering filled the Guild Hall last evening at the opening concert of the People's Conservatoriura. In response to generous applause many encores were given, which, though enjoyable in themselves, unduly lengthened tho pro. gramme. Two trios for piano, violin and cello were played by Mrs. Maeky, M. do Tn r-.*viiBki nnA Mr. Hattcnbach. The violin

''work of M. de Tarczynski was excellent throughout the evening, his treatment of his various numbers, whether by Mozart, Wicniawski or Godard, was full of poetry and a delicate charm, and his intonation, was well nigh perfect. Vocal numbers ?were given by Signpr Balboni, who was recalled again and again— perhaps his best number was Pagliacci's aria, Vesii la Guiba, l)Ut all found favor with his audience. Miss Cecilia. John was very warmly received. Her numbers were accompanied by Mrs. Macky, who also played Liszt's Study in ? D flat. Miss Kathleen Milligan was heard to advantage in an aria from Debussy's Prodigal Son, wliich she wisely sang in English— the use of a foroign tongue in her first number proved ratlier a stumbling block to otherwise good renderings. Master Ernest Pcttifei- showed good tone and technique in clarionet soli, and the accomjianiments wero, with one exception, satisfactorily handled by Mis3 May Milhga».