Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas. : 1883 - 1928), Monday 28 September 1896, page 3



SYDNEY, SUNSAT.— Tiro cycling meetlugs were held yesterday, ooe being under the anBt..ioeB of the Sydney Bicycle Olub, on the cricket ground, and the other nnder the auBpices of the League of New Bouth Wales Wheelmen ou the Agricultural Society's ground. Bjth were well attended. At the latter meeting the chief attraction waB a 25 mileB challenge race between tbe

Americans, A. d. u uonneu ana w. Aiarlln. Tbe betiing «as 6 to 4 in favor of M'Donnell, who 1b the Amerioan road king. The wind was against record making. Tbry started from opposite points of the track, M'Djnnell being against the wind at the first lap. In the first few laps M'Donnell secured a lead of 70 yards from Martin, but from the fifth lap Martin made np the deficieccy, and at tbe tenth they were on pretty even terms. Martin gradually went ahead, until in tbe sixteenth lap he had an advantage of 200 yarda. In the nineteenth lap M'Donnell felL and tbenoeforth it looked liko a procesaion for Martin, but M'Donnell declined to retire, and made several hopeless dashes At the lorty-fourth hip Martin Bhot out at a great speed, and tbe procession continued, Martin winning caaily. Great surpriBc was created at M'Donnell's inability to make a better show. At the Sydney Bicjclo Club sports tho Five Mile Championship of New South Wal.s was won by Walfy Kerr in 14mln 20 2-6 sec. Cameron waB second and New third.