Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas. : 1883 - 1928), Monday 23 March 1896, page 1

The j School-room Cloth, 50 New Shades, JUST OPENED. All Wool. and a Lovely Oloth. DBNPKTKP

? Auction Sales/ ? W. T. BELT. «t 00 9L']-J.ai ~W»mvym CABBIOE 8 ALB. WT. BULL AND 00., LIMITED ? will eell on Mondayi March 23, at one o'clock, OAA CBOBS-BBED LAMBS, '1 £\J\J first cross, fit lor bf Leber isilwnod 126 6-tootb to f.rn. Merino f BUWOOd ewes ] 10 prime fat sheep J G prime 2-tooth to 6 -tooth Leicester rams 2 4-tooth Lincoln tarns 80 Merino wethers 20 crow-bred owes 260 2-tooth cross-bred ewes (a good lot) — Silwood 1 A OOWS IN FULL MILK, highly , XV/ recommended and qolet Pore Jersey bnll, 4yr» old, by im? ported bnll ? j

1TBWSTEAS SALES. WT. BELL AND 00., LIMITED, will' sell on Tuesday, March 21, at 1 o'olock, KtC' 1 7 prime fat cattle— Nortbdown Track prime caws— Derby 8 prime cattle— Dairy Plains Truck prime steers — Bishopsbonrne Truck prime steers— Frankford Truck prime cattle — Oaks Truck prime cattle — Scottsdale Truck prime wethers — Merton Vale £0 prime cross-breds — Pateena 60 extra prime cross-breds— Longford Truck prime wethers — Kiolet 40 extra prime lambs— ^ Ohudleigh BO prime wethers— Moreton 60 prime sheep— Dunediu 40 fat sheep — Lilydale 60 2-tooth c roes-bred ewes, in lamb to ' Leiceste rs 60 2-tooth cross-brcd wethers 60 Merino ewes 16 Leicester ram lambs and 2- tooths ? 70 prime lambs — Crcesy ?

. Epping Sale. WT. BELL AND 00., LIMITED, will ? sell on Wednesday, March 26, at 1 o'olock, 9 K A MERINO EWES, In lamb Ziuv to Leicester rams — Valleyfield 160 cross-brcd Shropshire 1 lambs j-Camelford 20 dry cows, empty J P7A 9 and 4-YB OLD'! 4 \J COWS David OCA PUJtB MERINO 1 Taylor, Ecq., Mijyj EWES, cftBt for age [ St. Johnston 70 yearlings by Here- ] ford ball J OAA 4-TOOTH TO F.M. CROSS- 1 Zi\J\J BBED EWES / a 200 crossbred lambs I p 100 2-tooth crossbred wethers / o 100 f.m. cropebrcd ewes, due to l ^ Lelccstcrs J Team (C) working bullocks Also, Comfortable brick cottage at Campbell Town, for mary years occupied by Mr John Besswick, standing on a nice block of land of about 11 acrcs. ______

Valuable Property, Perth. WT. BELL AND CO., LIMITED, are ? instructed by Mrs Watkins to sell by auotioo, at their mart, on Monday, March SO, at 12 o'clock, Superior villa residence situated at Perth, containing 11 rooms, two pantries, wash-house, stable, large underground tank, etc. TASMANI&ST W. A- 00THE TASMANIA!* WOOLGBOWEB8 AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED FORTHCOMING SALES. AT WOOL STOBEB EVERY FRIDAY, at 11.80— Sheepskins, furred skins, hides and wool. NEWSTEAD— Fat and Store Btook every Tuesday, at one o'clock, EPPING SALE— Wednesday, March 26. NEWBTEAD— Thursday April 2— cows HE TASMANIAN WOOLGBOWEBS* AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED, will sell at NEWSTEAD on TUESDAY, 24th Inst, at 1 o'clock, Truck prime sheep— Bloomfield Truck prime cattle— Ringarooma Truck prime cows— Dairy Plains Truck prime cattl^-Pprejton 8 prime cattle — Hillside ? fjti PRIME M1SK1NO EWES— Darling-I t) ton Tark

ALFRED gABBAP & SO IT Clear-Out Sale at Throcken* holt, near St, Mary's. MESSRS. ALFRED HABBAP AND BON have received instructions from Mr C. D. Peters, who is leaving the district, to sell by auction, at Tbrockcnbolt, one mile from St. NicholaB Siding, Fingal Railway line, on TUESDAY, March 24, at noon, instead of Wednesday, 26th March, as previously advertised.HorscB, HorscB, milking cows, young cattle, ! pedigree Ayrshire bull, 8yrs; drays, I pagnal, farming implements, and | dairy utensils, checse plant, furni- j ture, ctc. Also on account of other vendorsSheep, cattle, ctc. Entries invited from other residents of the district having sheep, cattle, etc., to dispose of.? ? Tenders. ? EW GOLDEN GATE GOLD MINING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. TENDERS FOB FIREWOOD AND MINE TIMBER. Tenders arc Invited for TWO YEARS' SUPPLY of the whole, or any part, of the FIREWOOD and MINE TIMBER required to be delivered at the above Company's Mine, MATHINNA, dating from the first day of May nert. Tbe following quantities are required weekly:— 800 tons firewood, 4 tons paw timber, 400 laths, and 1600 rnn| ning feet prop timber. Specification of 1 contract may be seen at the Company's ! office, Hobart, or at the mine. Tenders must be forwarded to the office of the Company not later than THUB6DAY, the 26th inst., and the lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. By order of the Board. H. J. WlfiBi Manager. Hobart, Mareh 10, 1896. ?

Marine board of launcestou. — Tenders, addressed to the Master Warden (B. J. M'Keczie, Esq.), will be received till noon on TUESDAY, March 24, for Two New Nun Buoys (wood). Tbe lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particulars can be obtained at this offioe. By order, A. Evebbbed, Secretary Marine Bpard of Launceston. Educational. MISS SUTTON, Teacher of Mnsic (piauofortc, organ, and theory). Pupils prepared for Trinity College Exams. Terms on application 195 Charles-at., Launceston. MBS H. E. OAESON, Dressmaker, 176 St, John-street. Oh»rgen moderate.

? Business Notices. . ? GREAT SACRIFICE. OF SUMMER GOODS AT THB HALL OF JOMMEfiGE. OUR CHEAP SALE IB NOW proceeding. THE BARGAINS WE OFFER ABE GREATER THAN EVEB. A slight Idea can be gained by looking in the windows aa to the Genuineness of the deductions, as EVERYTHING WILL BE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, We are offering a Special, Shipment of COLORED DIAGONAL 8B&0E8, J 42ifi ' in widtJv^ifcSfl lid lor 7 yards; LADIES' BLOUSES we are almost giving away ; 4s lid goods for 2s 6d. LADIES' WHITE PIQUE JACKETS, all sices, 16s 6d ; now 6s lid. LADIEB' CORSETS, Is lid, 2s 6d, and upwards Children's Washing Hats and Bonnets, Is 8d each. Washing Goods, in Crepona, Cambrics, Prints, Muslins, Zephyrs, Nainsooks, at less than COST PB10E. The above is a slight idea as to the Enormous Sacrifices we are making in all Departments. R0BERTW0LFE DIREOT IMPORTER, 139 Charles- street. AUCTION SALE We have instructed Messrs. W. T. Bell and Company to sell by Auction on the premises, 96 CHARLES-STREET, on WEDNESDAY, 8th, and THURSDAY, 9th APRIL, all our large and varied stock of Orockery, Glassware, Fancy Goods, and Toys, Without Reserve. Also, COUNTEBB, FITTINGS, & FIXTURES, BTBD CAGES, MEMOBIAM WBEATH8, 1 ETO., ETC. i All this stock has been well bought for Cash, and must be cleared out on those dates. In the meantime stock is marked down much below cob*-, to rcducc before closing on the Slst MARCH, when balance will be lotted and catalogues got ready 'for Auction Sale on the 8th and 9th April. I Packet Jelly, pints, all (flavors, 5d each. Celery Salt, Is bot. ; Capers, 6d. Bloater or Silvocea Paste, 4d tin, Ss dot. Anchovy, Bloater, Ham, etc., Paste, Is. Semolina; lib tins. 6d ; 2 lb tins, lid each. Maccaroni and Vermicelli, very fine, 9d lb. Gelatine, loz packets, 6d size, 4d; |8s 6d doz. Borax, powdered or lump, 9d lb, 7s doz.; very useful in the borne, laundry, kitchen, etc. Bine, beBt English, 9d lb ; 71b box, 6b, Peek Frean's Biscuits (English) ; Chateau, Mixed, Marie, Oswego; just landed, only a few of each. Borax Soap, Lewis and Whittv's, 9d bar. Dried Sprats, Is tin. Neave;s Food, lid. Bouillon Fleet, best beef tea, Is bot. Bed Herrings, very, fine, A for 6d. Fire Klndlers, ' The Magic,' lasts 3 years ; lighting fires a pleasure. Magic Stove Polish, only 6d tin. Barilla Ash Soap. TheGenuine Article Imported by us from Belfast, bears McClinton and Thomson's mbw on each Bar. Is, 2s, 8s 6d, large bars. Highly recommended by Professor Kirk. - Tubs, large, good, clean, 8s; small, 2s 6d fi Butter Boxes, hold brine, 66lb, Is 6d u Fresh Butter, Is ; Pastrv, 7d f Powder for Preserving cutter, Milk, etc, 3 A pinch to a pint of milk. 6d Jib, CQ Is 6d lb; 71bbox, 9s 6d ; 141b box, 1 Ss. Patent Bariey, Bobfnson'sj Is | best h possible Babies' food «8 Axe Handles, 6d ; Pipeclay, Bd g«j Fresh Brewer's Yeast always kept § jg New ChecBS, New Cheese, 8d 3 ' Prunes— Stewing, 7d ; Eating, Is lb u r Capsules, all colors, 4d doz O $ Kippered Herrings, 7d tin c ® Billy Tea, Is 9d ; 61b 10s tf £ Bottling Wax, Sd stick, 8d per lb Jg Corks and Bungs, all sorts, from 2d doz * Insecticide, 6d ; Kruse's, lOd tin Insectabane kills flics, insccts, etc., 9d Bock salt Id per lb, 6s cwt. British Empire baking powdfer, lib tins 7d, 6s dozen; lib tin Is, 9s dozen. Thia Is the best in Tasmania. Good, easy recipes en each tin. Light, cheap, wholesome. WANTED. Pickle, Anohovy and Bloater Paste Bottles. Goldon Oeylon Tea Dust. Is Sd lb, 121b 14s ; Is 2d lb, 121b 18s ; Is lb 121b Us. EGGS — Lovely Eggs, lOd doz. Large Jars, all sorts, cheap. Pickling and Sauce Spices, Cayenne Pepper. Mustard Seed, 2d ob, 6d Jib. CASTLE? BROS. 96 and 98 Charles - street, LAUNCESTON. J. ANDT. GUNN, TIMBER MEROHANTS AND BUILDERS. HABD and SOFT WOODS, LIMB, ? CEMENT. SLATES, TILES, REGISTER GRATES, KITCHEN EA.NGE6, And every description ot Builder', and Iron Goods. JAMES BRICKHILL (Late Proprietor Daily Telegraph'), BHABEBBOKEB, MINING AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, 12 Patterson-street, Launceston. (Next Mr F. L, Fysh's Warehouae), Undertakes commissions of all kinda. Shares bought or sold at best rates. Usual commis

sion. Prompt settlements and satislaction guaranteed. Letters and telegrams from countrv clients promptly attended to. Management of companies undertaken and prospecting associations formed. JAB. BRICKHILL. Bharebroker. Miniog and Commission Agent, 12 Patterson-street. Launcestou. J AYNE'S CARMINATIVE Is a certain cure tor Oolios, Diarrhoea, In* flammatlon of tbe Bowels, and all Nervous diseases. One dese gives immediate relief. Hatton ajtd Laws, Agents, j HE DAILY TELEGRAPH— Elaborate Cable Service, giving information from all parte of the World.

T MK DISCOVERY OF THE AGE IS VITADATIO, Which stands alone as the remedy for all forms ot blood disease in whatever way they may appear, be it kidney disease, rheumatism, eruptions on the tkln, hydatids, fevsrs, piles, dropsy, weakness, or any othet of the nnmeroos diseases caused by impnre blood. Of ooure there are many persons whorfor reasons .ot thelrown, decry Vltadatio as a ' cure all,' and say it cannot possibly cure all dlfieasestit the blood, etc., and we will allow there may be some kind of blood disease it wilt not ease, such as hereditary diseases ; but it has cured aU eases that have had a fair trial, and many of them of the meet serious natnre possible. It is as well to remember that the Bible says, ' The blood is tbe life,' and if your blood is tainted in any way the only cure is by thorough purification, and that can be effected quickly and permanently by taking Vitiklatlo, whloh actfe on the great wheel of life's machine, tbe Liver, such as no other medicine yet discovered can do, rapidly restoring it to its normal condition by increasing its functional aotlvity. ? And when one comes to remember that tbe ' Liver' regulates the whole mechanism of man, being as important to the body as tbe mainspring to a watch, it is eelf -evident that the greatest care should be taken that it works well, for when it does 'every wheel, gland, and factor in the syatem works well, and there Is good health ; and do not forget that Vitadatlo can do all this without the help of pills or any other medicine whatsoever.

CONTINUED SALE PRICES, During: the Next Few Days, while alterations in the Shop are in progress, ED. MULGAHY WILL CONTINUE 10 SELL MEN'S & BOYS' Ready - Made Clothing AT THE REDUCED PRICES CHARGED DURING THE SALE. Marvellous Value. . Invoices ere now to hand of our First Large Shipment of Winter Woollens and Dlotbing, which will be opened before the end of the month. With these Goods, and a 9pleudid Lot ot Tasmaniau Tweeds of specially chosen Patterns, E. Mnlcahy means to make a Big Bid for the Giant's Share of the ralloring and Clothing Business ef the Bolony, and will get it if Honest Value and Fair Dealing will aecurc it, 120 BRISBANE-ST. HIGH - CLASS MANURES. Abrolhot Guano (Guaranteed). Government aralysls, 60 per cent, phos* phates. Extensively used last season with jjreat results ; £4.158 per ton. MatchlMS Fertiliser. This Manure has now a household name amongst farmers ; £6 per ton. Boneduat, J.O.I. Brand. A marvel of cheapness j from £3 16s per ton. Superphosphates -56 p*r cent. Phosphates)! £5 6b per ton. Superphosphates (Ordinary)! £i 10s per ton. German Kalnit, The great Orchard Manure, £5 per ton. phosphate Powderf Blake's, Cheapest and best in the market, £4 10s per ton. Tho above are pcrfeot drillers. Terms arranged. Samples and testimonials on application. Bepcat orders for the above coming in daily. GEO. SHIELDS, i&vncEBTOn. WHITELAW, Artist Photographer, Wishes the public to know Ahat he is visiting the other colonies in order to secure some of the Latest and Best Photographic Material FOB THE NEW BUSINESS. For this reason the Studio will be closed until after the Easter Holidays. 74 ST. JOBIT-ST1LBBT (Studio lately occupied by Nicholas). ELECTRIC LIGHT. Installations of the most Improved and| latest dceigns. Private Houses, Hotels, Shops, Warehouses, Offices, etc. LOUIS J. WALL, Electrical Engineer and Contractor, 77 BBISBANE-STREET, LAUNCESTON. Dynamos, Eloctro Motors, Arc and lucan* descent Lamps of all candle-powers, etc. Estimates free on application. ? SALISBURY'S FOUNDRY COMPANY, WILLIAM-STREET, LAUNCESTON. Ironfounders, Millwrights, Engineers, Blacksmiths, and Boilermakers, MftuufacturerB of Sawmill, Flouriuill, Agricultural, Pumping, and Mining Machinery, Ovens. Stoves, Horseworks, and Crab Winches. Sole makers of Kayscr's Patent Tin -dreeing Appliance. Speciality— High Class Mining Machinery. PRETTY Show b; Electricity. Godwiri'6 Jams and Toffies. Charles-street.

Janngeagntg, Leotaraa, Sso. „ PAST. TBEBENT. FUTCBE. MADAME UEONI, 60 CHABLEB-STBEET. 80 Guaranteed attendance— This afternoon, 3 to B i evening, 7 to 10. Three distinct read- ' Ings In one. Fee, Is, Madame l'estbange, -ASTBOLOGIST. 1 Notifies to leave €0 Charles-street To-day for her residence at Hobart. b Address all communications 147 Colllns-st. ? ? ? Bellriottg. ? 1 HABVEBC THANKSGIVING SEB- d V10E8. I WESLEYAH CHURCH, PATTEBSONBIBEET, This evening, at 8 o'clock. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAMME. ' Soloists— Mi#i Jeannie Bate man, Miss 1 Beatrice Ferguson, Mies E. B. Grove; Messrs. W. W. Hill and C. A. Morris. Anthems by dboir. COLLECTION. ] SCetti&gB j JjfOAD DISTRICT OP SI. MART'S. ' ANNUAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Landholders of the above Road District, for the purpose of electing two Trustees in the loom of Messrs. James { Wardlaw and William King, who retire, but who are eligible for rc-clcction, will be held on FB1DAY, the 17th day of April. 1S96, at 11 o'clock a.m., at the Police Office, St. Mary's. Nominations in accordance with the sixth seotion of the Boads Act Amendment Act, 1886, will be received by the Chairman of Trustees, at the Police Office, St. Mary's, up to 4 o'clock p.m. of FRIDAY, the 10th day of April, 1896, and daring the three preceding days.Dated Dated this 20th day of March, 1896. Hy, Lyme, Secretary to Trust. EOBU1T GOLD MINING COMPANY, . NO LIABILITY. a Notice Is hereby given that the First I Half-yearly Meeting of Shareholders in the £ above-named Company will be held at the -Hobart Stock Exchange, Collins-street, ' Hobart, on TUESDAY, the 21th day of March, 1696, at 8 pan. \ Business : 1 1. To reccive the directors' and mining manager's reports, balance-sheet, ' etc. 2. The transaction of any other business -that may arise, or occasion may require. By order of the Board, J T. O. Lovett, Manage, j 77 Collins-street, Hobart, ; Maroh 2, 1896. ' The nobth-west Tasmania gold _ MINING COMPANY, NO LIA- 1 BILITY. J A Meeting of Shareholders will be held at ] the Launceston Stock Exchange, 8t. Johnstreet, on THURSDAY, March 26, 1896, at 7'80 pjn. * Business : ] Formation of Company, and any other ] business that may be necessary. -E. Gaunt, Manager fro tem, -J Launceston, March 20, 1896. „ NIGHT AND JOHNSTON PBOS- 1 PECTING ASSOCIATION. J A Meeting of Shareholders in the above ( Association will be held at the Stock Exchange THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock sharp. BUSINESS: j Formation of company, adoption of rules, etc., etc., laud to transact any other business which may transpiro. Leslie E. Mobgan, Manager pro ietn. ' HE JUNCTION SlLYEB MINING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE OF HALF-YEABLY GENERAL . MEETING. Notase is hereby given that the Half- * yearly General Meeting of Shareholders in the above Company . will be held at the . Stock Exchange, Collics-strect, Hobart, on TUESDAY, Slst March, at 8 p.m. Business .* 1. To reoelve and adopt balance-sheet, ^ Directors1 and Mine Manager's reports. 2. To elect two Directors in placc of Messrs. Alfred J. Taylor and Adol. J. Taylor, who retire, but are eligible and offer themselves for reelection. 3. To elect *two Auditors In placc of Messrs. A. T. Bell and T. Cooper, who retire, but are eligible and offer themselves for re-election. 4. Any other buBinesB that may arise. By order, T. W. Ftjblong-Marsden, Manager. 8G Collins-street, Hobart, ' March 20, 1896. I SAVAGE RIVEU HYDRAULIC SL01C- 1 1NG AND GOLD MINING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. , Tbe Third Half -yearly Meeting of Shareholders in the above Company will be held at the Manager's office, Weld-street, Beaconsfield, on TUESDAY, the Slst day of March, 1896, at 8 o'olock p.m. Tbouab G. Wiluams, Manager. Beaconsfield, March 21, 1896. HE BEST FLY C4TOHER In the market is ' THE HOLDFAST.11 Simplest and most effectual Fly Destroyer known. Not unsightly, most sticky, non poisonous. One sheets will catch 500 files As there are inferior brands, ask for ' The Holdfast,' sold at Is per dos (2d extra per post by C. Eberhabd and Co., Chemists, Charles and York streets, LaunccBton. HE DAJLy TELEGRAPH, 80s per aonum ; 26s If paid In advance.

PATENTS AND TgADE MARKS. Are obtained in Tasmania and elsewhere by PERCEVAL IMANFIELD NEWTON, PATENT AGENT, ? - - ' 12 ELIZABETH-STREET, HOBABT.JS Mr Newton will be glad to afford any Information to country clients vialtliig Hobart relative to Patents for Inventions. ? ? Waatel. WANTED.— A General Servant; references required.Apply Apply Mrs B. C. Gatenbv, Stcwarton, Epping.

^ ONCE— Six Good Woodufcters. Apply to ? Mrs J. Brown, Sen., Lefroy. A N'T ED KNOW N— That TT W. Newton, Longford, ia a Cash Purchaser of Hay, Cbaff, Oats, Potatoes, Apples, and Oniona AT CURRENT BATES. CT7 ANTED— W DBE6SMAEERS. Good bodice lands, Miss Wabkeb, Dunning and Brown. tX7' ANTED— A Married Man FOB WANv t STEAD. Wife to look after small airy and poultry, man useful ; 6MALL FAMILY, WITHOUT PREFERRED. Apply, with references, to W. H. Gibson, Fairfield, Epping. ? The People's Gash Column HREE USES. 15 WORDS. PRE-PAID is. TWO LI KE8. IQ WORDS. PR&PiUP Cd. BEDSTEADS, BEDDING ? Thomab Mackenzie, 176 Charles-st. °IURE for Hcadache.— Believes at once and is tasteleaB ; 2d each, or 12 for Is 6d r. O. Jackson k Co., Chemists, 84 Brlsb.-st [j^UBNITUBE.— Cash Sale for the month V Sec prices. ? Stqbbeb, St. John-Btreet. FOB Immediate Sale — Splendid Building Site, best part L-ttelton-strcet ; bcautial view. W.O.Wilson, Patterson-street l/TADAME I. RENE, the Practical _»JL Palmist. Open daily. 29 Tam&r-treet. Y/TISSES MUSGRAVE AND CROFION . XL 85 Quadrant, Dressmakers. Fit and tyle. Next Mutual Fire Insurance Co. V| ISS CORNISH haB commerced DressJJL making at 54 Geoige-Btreet, Dext lidge's. Charges moderate. V/| AOBI Liniment rubbed on the chest 3X and back will cure the worst cough, 'ry It. RHEUMATISM relieved at once by Maori Linitrcnt. Nothing like it, Try it nd prova it, i}INK. RINK. Opening TO-NIGHT. II William-street, oppoBite Smelling Works. Strictly select. HE NEW LIGHT.— The best lighted Fruit Shop in the City — O. Wathen's, 88 Obarle a-strect. rX7'ANTED—9aa Engine, three or more vv H.P. State price and particulars by etter. ' Engine,' this office. A T HUBBARD'S Sale, Dinner Sets, Tea A. Sets, Toilet Bets. Cheap. A LL Left-off Clothing bought ; good price CA given. Letters. 66 Wellington-et. BARLEY CavingB, Id a bag. Bone Mill Fabm, Evandale Junction. BONEDUST, superior, £8 17s 6d per ton Sample, etc. G. L. Meredith, Pat-st. tf'IASTUBPIA,' the Dog's mend, cures v*/ Distemper. Hatton & Laws, Agents FOB SALE— Roae Cottage, 268 York-Bt., opp. Deanery ; bargain. 52 George-st. fT^OB SALE— House, 6 rooms j every conI? venieoce. Apply 87 Frankland-street. JACKETS, Capes, Ha's, cheapest and beBt variety. FIND lay's, 94 Elizabeth-st( LONGFOBD CYCLING'CLUB SP'OBT8.' Entries close TO-NtGHT. LOST— Canary, yesterday, Invcresk s dark bead, dark wings. Return to 18 Dry-st. VEEN'S Boots Soled and Heeled, 2s 6d ; LlJLLadies', ls9d. Turner, 141 Wellington-st li/TADAME KENNEDY Cfr°m Sydney), LtJL Medical Palmist, George-street (66j, IVT OTHER BEIGEL'S SYRUP, ''small LYX size, 2s. Johnston, Chemist, Elis-st. DNLY Sd, Handy Weather Chart to Slsc July, 1896. All Booksellers. ? 1ANOS TUNRD, 6s. F. EAVESTAFF, carc of Mrs Jackson, Trevallyn. ^ITOCKS for winter flowering, and Bnail ^ Creeper. Clabke k. Son, Sandhill. r6' LET 0~lT~ JKLL^NoT 4 Hill-street, 7 rooms. Magnificent view. Apply No. 2. UMBRELLAS Re-covcrcd and Repaired. JiCKBOH, 81 Patterson -street. WANTED — Situation Light House Duties, 5 hoars daily. a*ALICE,' P.O. WANTED— Wine Bottles, any quantity, Is 31 doz. Connolly's George-street, WANTBD— Small Drawers for grocery store. Beknell Bnos. WANTED — Hire Pony, Cart, Harness. ? State terms. 4- Weekly,' Post Office. WANTED— Trousers Han^B. Permanent. Apply E. Allen, Dodgsbuu'p, York-Bt. JEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR. 98 ST. JOHN-BTREET, LAUNCESTON. Late Cutter Semmelbaack's. Miscellaneous. The ' Dally- Telegraph ' TYPE-FOUNDING DEPARTMENT. SPSCX&X. 3VOTICE. LARGE quanlity of Brevier, for newspaper work, in slock just now, and orders for Founts from 601b upwards will be filled at a big discount on intercolonial prices. Long Primer Founts at abort notice. Trade orders for Stereos, or Odd Boris md Quantities cxccutedLprouiptly. ? W. A. Whitakeb, Proprietor. rjlHE DON BTOEk; DELORA1NE | Full Weight Grain Bags at Lowest Bates. | Special Quotations for a quantity. WHEN OoldB or Coughs are troublesome buy Extract Eucalyptus (Platypus Brand). To use as directed will effect a euro. Hatton and Lawb, Faibthohne and Bon, Bbowne and Co., W. G. Cox, and all Chemist e. O N E Y T~~0 L E N~D In large or small sums. Blacicett and Fbekcu. Pattereon-etreet, Laur.ccston. _ ? PA1NTEB, Paperhanger, and Decorator J. Pahkeb. 16 Gunn-btreet,

? Shipping. ? Union Line of 8teamers. ( LAUHOHBTON TO MELBOOEHE. PATEENA. From Lsunceslon. From Melbourne. ?Tbis Day, CMon- Wednesday, March day), March 23, 26, at 2 p.m. at 9 a.m. from the wharf, and 3 pan. from Roscvears. Monday, March 80, *Friday, March 27, at 4 p.m. at 11 a.m. from the wharf, and 3 p.m. from Rose rears. | * The tender Centennial will leave the wharf at 2 p.m, to convey paEsengcrs to llosevcars free of charge. Reirrn tickets available for six months an 1 for return by Ooogee if required. Passengers booked to all Australian and New Zealand ports. ? _ DEV6NPORT~Tb MELBOUBNE~~ SUA ? BUBNIS. BELLINaEB, Saturday, March 28, at 1 p.m. on arrival of train from. Launceston. HOBART TO NEW ZEALAND PORTS. HapbQTQ, Friday, March 27. ? A. B. J, Ibvine, Branch manager, . HUDDABT PARKER AND CO.'S LINE. Launceston to Mel?SiaiBBSB bourne.S.S. S.S. GOOGEE. From Launot ston. From Melbourne Wed.,'MaTch 25,2 p.m. | Mon. Mar 23, 3 p.m Mon. March 30, 2 pm. | Frid.Mar 27,3 p.m. Return tickets available for six months and for return by Pateena if required. Passengers booked through to Bydney, New Zealand, and West Australia . The'Tasuanian Woolqbowebb' Agenct Co., Limited., Launcestou, Agents, iTT^b^ DB U I N B U L A R AND IT ORIENTAL STEAM j^y^j^NAVIGATlON COMPANY, under contract with the Imperial, New South Wales, Victorian, and South Australian Governments, will despatch the following steamers for LONDON, Calling at Albany, Colombo, Aden, Brindisi, Malta, Gibraltar, and Plymouth Leave Leave Steamers. Leave Mel- AdeTns. Sydney bourne, laide. Arcadia ... 6670 Feb. 17 Feb. 22 Feb 26 'Ballaarat ... 4872 Fb. 29 Mar. 7 Mar 11 ?Rome ... 6646 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar 25 *Valetta ...5084 Mar. 28 April 4 Apr 8 'Himalaya... 6898 April 11 April 18 Apr 22 *Oceana ... 6670 April 27 May 2 May 6 And fortnightly thereafter. *These vessels call at Hobart. All the above steamers ^11 at KING GEORGE'S SOUND and COLOMBO. Passage money can be paid here for passages from England. Passengers to London may break their journey en route, Tebough Faseb from Tasmania, First Saloon ? £60 tQ £70 Second Saloon ? £35 to £40 Betubn Fares. First Class Beturn for 12 months ... £106 First Class Beturn for 18 months ... £116 Second Class Beturn for 12 months ... £66 Second Class Beturn for 18 months ... £70 The rates of passage money to London in the second saloon will be £40 for deck berths, and £S6 for lower deck. In the second saloon the arrangements have been thoroughly reorganised, and the accommodation which the company now offer is unsurpassed. Cargo at moderate rates tor London, Egypt, India, or China. Full information, hand books, passage rates, and time tables, apply to Chas. H. Smith & Co., Agents. W H!TE STAB LINE, S. S. DORSET, W. Holtman, Jon., Master, Beceivirg cargo for DEVONPORT, LATROBE. LKVEN, BURN IE, WYNYARD, AND STANLEY, leaving Tuesday Evening, 6 30 sharp. Good accommodation for passengers. W. Holyman, Manager, East Devonport. fll A. REYNOLDS AND CO.'S gggfifc X ? LINE OF STEAMERS. FOR 6TBAHAN. S.8. CAMBRIA LEAVES 4 THIS AFTERNOON. J. Williams, Agent. UTKAM TO BEACONSFIELD GEORGETOWN, & LEFROY. SS. AGNE&, every Monday, WcdnesI day, and Friday, at 11 a.m. ' 1 * E. PATEK60N'. | ^ta&i^FOB BKAOONSFIELD GEORGE I TOWN AND LEFROY. ! 6.S. CENTENNIAL every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 11 a.m., with the following exception: — Thursday April 2, when the time for leaving will be 2 p.m. Alfeed Habrat and Son, Wharf. Exhibition tjT. MARY'S FARMERS' PROD DOE O ASSOCIATION, ANNUAL SHOW. The above Show will take place in VICTORIA HALL, APRIL 1. Show open from 1 to 5, and 7 to 10. ! Sec train arrangements. 1 EntrieB close March 30, for live pigs in particular. J. T. Cbamp, Hon. See. gressy Flower Show and Cake Fair. Wednesday, March 25 DOORS OPEN 2 P.M. AFTERNOON TEA, 6d. I ADMISSION, 6d. E. Nohman, Hon. See. C.n.O, BOGLE AND CLARK (LATE SCOTT AND CLARK), WILLIAM-STREET, ENGINEERS, Mechanical and Electrical, Iron and Brass Founders, Smiths and Boiler Makers. Csiintiitrs and Plansfurnished for all classes of Agricultural, and Manufacturing Liacbiutrv.A A complete Etock ol all requisites for steam anti machinery uteris ulsva. s on hand. Repairs a speciality.

The Neo-Cycloatyla Duplicating Apparatus. Two thousand impressions tom^wa. /-««-tivtile of writing or drawing. The^dvan* tages claimed -for the Neo-Oyolostyle over other processes are:— -l) ' Superiority & work ; (2) numberand uniformity ol ooples ; (8) rapidity ; (4) the writing is done from beginning to end without having to ehltt tfaa fm per. Apparatus complete in wooden ease, Deluding Pen, Stencil Paper, lnk« g«to, Priccs— Foolscap, 57s 6d ; quarto, i3l | octavo or note sfse, 36s. Stencil Paper, Ink, Fens, etc., always 1b stock. . A. W. BIROHALL AND SONS. ,