Farmer and Settler (Sydney, NSW : 1906 - 1955), Friday 25 August 1922, page 9

[__L_ . . .FfcagJjJ&^jj^jji MEMIDS ,;:. I ?


'The'reportythroiighbnt'flic State indicuto.that tha sea.«n has ntf. boon favorable for,tlici,winli'r lambiiig Tin, year, openeil with dry .conditions acnorally, especially in th.?' western and northern' ,'portltlns. Although lu many districts theru ,wm uLuuJanco of fiwd In the summer; hvlpfnl rain -li-n/vf ' f^ll tn fllin tl^«h li..11- nf tl. .. ?

mid tho pasturage dried, consequciilly tho nntritivo' .cleracntu required ' for lambing owes wero absent, nnd tho new shoot in the grass so essential at lambing time was delayed. Tho scarcity of surface wattT also vontributed lo losses of lumbs,' ns tho owes had' to travel considerable distances between feed and water. As the whiter approat'la'd,' conditions became moro favorable, and In J lily good rains fell over practically . tho whole of the Stale. The losses of, Isunbs through crows, hawks, foxes, and wild dogs iu' some districts worb coiuideraW?, but on nceotmt of *t.-i il-vnna* nf tJin'oBftficn tlip hlnwIK

post was not so much in evidence as in previous yearn. ' ? - Edliiuled &-ltrul«il Plobitle «tit. N'o. -i( .No. ot Nu. 11I , -. Ekcii In K»-9 Uiuibi ' Itlrbkin, runril. nuikt,! rvr ^forS^rli~. 913,WO 80,000 M.00O tl Oruteil ... 977,00(1 245,000 153.000 02 SMthoru .. l^B3,0WI 0,000 ' »,Un 70 *or?n°P?.7. 1,302,000 . CIO.OOO' 270,000 63 Outral ... 2 3tS.W 1.WU.000 ski.000 00 Houtli -.!!. 1385,W0. 0M,««J- 6S1W 7U 0. Mains am! .. ' :. , North'*'.. J.474.OM 804,000 448,000 CO Central . 1 SSA--» l.SlsIoOO 1.132,11)0 59 lllnrliu . J^S,000 3.O7J.0OO 2,a63,0OO 74 Wmtcm ... 2,MV,0M £,215,000 1,437,000 04 Wholo Sljlo 1B.070.0GO 11,037.000 7,453,000 M At tho cloiie of lilSl it was estimated thnt there wcro about 18,070,01)0 ewes 1— Jl^_ __,! „« 11 K1? l\l\i\

ill \UV ty\HVUf ittlU Ui tuvav ^i|uui|VUV| or (13 por eciit., Woro mated for tlio autumn nnd winter lambing. Approximately 0,!IU],pOO wero timed to lamb In the nulumn, and -1,270,000, or 07 por cont,, wero expected to bo marked. For tho winter lambing 0,1 70,000 ewes wcto mated, and the markings aro estimated

at !U78,ouo, or.ul per cent. U'tio proportion, 03 por uent., of probable markings of tho'nutuuin and winter lambing Is equal to that ot' lust year, which was the highest uinco 1013. Tho estimates of tho ' nutuuin nnd winter and of tlio spring nnd summer lambing:! for tho pnsf. five years ore aa follow:— . Autumn ocJ WMu Limbing. EwMfntlm 8wl»«t Intimated . ' cudultlii) Xo.of — Xo.of, ctnt. jitevloin ' Ihvu piubaMe Per Vrar. year. milnl. matklnca. criil. tU2a .... 18.070.000 11,&37.O-X) 7,4U.0& . 05 IDZl .... 17.027.UM 10.7u6.0OI 7.017.0D0 U-IS20 .... 17.347.OU) 7,«34.0OO 3.144.000 Zf 1010,,... 19,165.U-J 11,471,000 0.1BIXW 4j me .... i9,ofi7,cw tjigifm os, a -