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Advertising : 542 wordsGeneral Garilbaldi (the Italian papers say) has been of late seriously ill. He is now, however, much better. Tie King of Italy has nominated Commander ...
Article : 1,465 wordsThe Moggill farmers are a well-to-do class, notwithstanding the fact that their holdings are comparatively small, and they are dependent entirely on agricultural pursuits, there being no outside country to be ...
Article : 1,399 wordsHis Excellency Sir Arthur Kennedy, K.C.M.G., O.B, is expected to arrive on his first visit to this town to-morrow afternoon, and great preparations are being made for his reception. The Mayor and ...
Article : 100 wordsThe P. M. Co.'s R.M.S. Australia, with the monthly mails from England and America, arrived at Auckland from San Francisco to-day, and brings the following items of intelligence: ...
Article : 452 wordsThe prisoner Tommy under sentence of death for the murderous assault on Mrs. M'Bride, attempted to strangle himself in the cells last night by getting his leg chains round his neck. ...
Article : 79 wordsIn his address to the electors of Maryborough, the Hon. JOHN DOUGLAS raises an issue, the expediency and the necessity for which are open to grave doubt. Referring to the fact ...
Article : 1,023 wordsA tremendous fire broke out this morning in George-street, in Hands', warehouse, which, with all its contents, was completely destroyed, while several adjoining premises and their contents were injured. The ...
Article : 74 wordsSINGAPORE, April 20.—Active preparations for war continue throughout Russia and Turkey. The Russia Embassy leaves Stamboul, and the expulsion of Russians from Turkey is expected. ...
Article : 1,125 wordsAn advertisement in another column notifies that there will be a meeting of the members of the Parliamentary Class at the School of Arts at 8 o'clock this evening, at which gentleman desirous of joining ...
Article : 2,220 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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