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Advertising : 157 wordsProper inflation, although highly disregarded by some motorists, is gradually sinking into the consciousness of many, since it is the first ...
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Advertising : 92 wordsThe Manager of the Shell Oil Co., Ltd., Grenfell Street Adelaide, has received the following letter:— Dear Sir.—I think it may interest ...
Article : 309 wordsThe Right Hon. W. G. A. OrmsbyGore, M.P., (Parliamentary Under— Secretary of State for the Colonies), speaking at an Empire demonstra. ...
Article : 308 wordsA million miles with Goodyear tyres is the report of the Western Air Express which operates the air mail line between Los Angeles and ...
Article : 680 wordsEvery farmer is more or less familiar with matters pertaining to Insurance—Fire, Accident, Motor Cars, Livestock, and the like. He ...
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Northern Argus (Clare, SA : 1869 - 1954), Fri 24 Aug 1928, Page 2
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