GIVE me your hand, If you're honest and tree; What matter to me Is lie texture or hue, ...
Article : 178 wordsWishing to post myself on one of the most current topics of the day, I, Mark, hunted up an old friend, Dennis Mo Carthy, who is editor of the ...
Article : 5,026 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 608 wordsYOUNG MOTHER.— And so you think a baby is a thing of beauty and a joy for over? Well, the idea is pleasing, but not original; every cow thinks the same of its ...
Article : 1,562 wordsTHAT lovely: women fulfils only half her mission when she is unpersonable instead of beautiful, all young men, and, all pretty girls secure in the consciousness of their ...
Article : 2,334 wordsSO[?]IETY in an excellent virtue, but why make such a fuss about it? It would appear from the conversation that is current about the town just now, that there is a ...
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The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (NSW : 1864 - 1881), Sat 29 May 1869, Page 2
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