In the average medical man prejudice and professional caste is very strong. He is educated in this atmosphere, and his associations in after years but strengthen his early ...
Article : 745 wordsThere has not, according to the Western Star of the 5th instant, been sufficient rain yet at Roma to lay the dust, and the country is in a bad state. ...
Article : 1,920 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,261 wordsA correspondent of the Melbourne Argus says the Herr Hugo Zoeller, the leader of the Cologue Gazette'ss New Guinea expedition reports that his expedition was very successful. Herr ...
Article : 717 wordsAPPOINTMENTS.—Hon. J. T. Smith, C.E., and C. E. Chubb, Q.C., to be arbitrators on behalf of the Government in connection with J. Robb's claims on account of his contract for first section, ...
Article : 971 wordsRepairs, painting, &c., State school, Cooper's Plains: painting State school. North Pine: ditto, Sandgate: 4 o'clock Friday, 14th instant. Department of Public Instruction. ...
Article : 290 wordsNEW SOUTH WALES.—Telegraphic intelligence from many towns tells of a grand rain having fallen during the closing days of last week. This rain was particularly heavy at ...
Article : 536 wordsDespite the somewhat clubby appearance of this volume of "Proceedings," opening as it does with a list of Fellows, resident and nonresident, extending to eighty-seven pages, and ...
Article : 1,935 wordsThe new Sovereign Hotel, which has just been completed, and which will be opened to-day, occupies the site of the old building, and for its size is one of the handsomest buildings ...
Article : 371 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 229 wordsMr. W. H. Day, P.M., held two inquiries yesterday at the South Brisbane Police Court into the circumstances attending deaths by drowning as reported below. The first was ...
Article : 681 wordsSome interesting particulars respecting the Australasian wool trade are to be found in a recently published report by Mr. G. W. Gri[?]in, United States Consul in Sydney. The ...
Article : 980 wordsSir,—Now that the time is approaching for the progrumme of the coming Sandgate regatta to be drawn up I should like to make a few remarks, which if followed would be sure to ...
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Sat 8 Dec 1888, Page 6
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