Quietly, without emotion, almost mechanically, Christine Fielding told that old sorrowful story which had come to her knowledge in so cruel a fashion. ...
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Advertising : 1,868 words"The squalid and listless dreariness of the Irish country-side and of the small Irish country town is almost enough of itself to explain the emigration returns," ...
Article : 760 wordsAn extraordinary tragedy is revealed by a statement made at Paris by M. Paul Roy, husband of an American singer, Miss Gracia Colla, whose real ...
Article : 577 wordsLAXATIVE BROMO QUININE removes the cause. Used the world over to Cure a Cold in One Day. E. W. GROYE'S signature on box, 1/1½. ...
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The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Sat 4 Apr 1908, Page 11
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