She went to find her housekeeper and prepare for the coming of the woman who was to wait on Mrs. Dan[?]roft. In a sense, she was relieved that there should ...
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Advertising : 2,018 wordsThe defence policy of the Commonwealth Government, as expounded by the Prime Minister on December 13, has aroused considerable interest in ...
Article : 1,966 wordsAnd as was inevitable, Sir George began almost immediately to question and to question closely. The appearance of James Dancroft. ...
Article : 1,169 wordsThree or four days later Sir George went down again to Hunston. His complac[?]ncy was entirely restored. He had received several letters from Christine, in ...
Article : 957 wordsWould it not be desirable to consult the doctor as to which soap commends itself to our uses, as so many skins are ruined past redemption by interior soaps? ...
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The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wed 11 Mar 1908, Page 7
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