WE are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. C. J. Dashwood for the following short sketch of his recent tour in the Daly River district, during which a ...
Article : 1,001 wordsSullivan sealed 1991b., and as he entered the ring he looked the picture of health and trained to the hour. He was attended by J. M'Auliffe, P. Casey, ...
Article : 1,587 wordsThe trial of the ringleaders in the Broken Hill strike, at Deniliquin, has been concluded. Sleath and Fergusson have been sentenced to two years' ...
Article : 1,086 wordsRAILWAY REVENUE—For week ended October 29th—£304. Camoola's Derby time is a half-second slower than Strathmore's of ...
Article : 3,845 wordsTHE greatest necessity of every day life is pure water. Two-thirds of one's body is made up of water. If the water we drink is impure, then how can we hope to escape ...
Article : 722 wordsTHE following additional particulars concerning the recent murder of Mr. W. S. Scott by the Victoria River blacks was wired to us from the ...
Article : 909 wordsThey are an illustration of the tenden[?]y of the times towards narrow waists and weak bodies. Anybody who visits the art museums ...
Article : 496 words{No abstract available}
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Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin, NT : 1873 - 1927), Fri 4 Nov 1892, Page 3
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