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  2. Shipping Intelligence.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 206 words
  3. To Mr. Frederick Griffin

    SIR,—You attacked me in an unusual and gratuitous manner through the medium of the public press I condescended to accept of your challenge, and through the same medium, (but ...

    Article : 765 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 139 words

    HIS EXCELLENCY AND THE TOWN COUNCIL.—Between 10 and 11 yesterday, the Mayor sent cards to all the members of the Council, inviting them to meet him at a quarter past 12, to ...

    Article : 545 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 235 words

    You will begin to think me a kind of Asmodeus, if I continue much longer to present you simultaneous views of distant places; but, no matter, if I can acquire a power of ubiquity, and ...

    Article : 698 words

    The following account of a curious [?]bronch of husbandry practised in France, [?] in the Valley of the Saone, namely, fish [?] breeding, and the using land alternately [?] ...

    Article : 803 words
  9. No Title

    THE framing of the Estimates of Expenditure on Public Works for 1852, is the momentous duty which is now devolved upon the Government. It is also ...

    Article : 2,221 words
  10. To the Editor of the Advertiser.

    SIR—Than Mr Carman I sincerely believe there cannot be a more active officer in his duties as Chief Constable, and when any nuisance has been pointed out to him, or come under his ...

    Article : 311 words
  11. THE LEVEE.

    HIS EXCELLENCY the Lieutenant-Governor held a Levee yesterday, at Muck's Hostel. The following is a list of the gentlemen who attended:—Alderman Austin, Messrs Josiah Austin, George ...

    Article : 473 words

    FEMALE AUTHORS.—'Do you really write for the press?' asked the captain of his fair neighbour. 'You need not look so alarmed,' answered she, laughing, 'it is only a spiteful invention of ...

    Article : 2,390 words

    IN the progress of the diggings there is little new to report, the same averages of produce, which I have previously communicated, still obtain. The population is about the same, ...

    Article : 706 words



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