A washington message states that despite the protests from London and Paris against the recently inaugurated practice of shipping American mails to Europe by ...
Article : 181 wordsThe "Daily Express" correspondent in Berlin says that a curious feature of the present position is that the lower the mark falls the greater seems to be the material ...
Article : 196 wordsALL Kamel Fahmy Bey, an Egyptian Prince who has been staying at the Savoy Hotel for a few weeks and is well known in West-End social circles, was found ...
Article : 78 wordsFrom Athens comes a strange story. A Greek officer has had 32 wives, all living in the city, without being known to each other. ...
Article : 168 wordsRecent rumors regarding a proposed private visit by the Prince of Wales to one of the Dominions were confirmed to-day when it was announced that H.R.H. ...
Article : 142 wordsA Rome message advises that the debate on the Electoral Reform Bill has been opened. A sensation was caused by the resignation of Signor Don Sturzo, Leader of the ...
Article : 110 wordsFollowing late wireless messages have been picked up at sea:—EUROPEAN SITUATION. BRITISH CABINET'S INTENTIONS. ...
Article : 315 wordsPrince Fahmy Bey was 23. His arrested wife is 32, but looks younger as she is dark, petite, and of striking beauty. They had been married less than a year. She ...
Article : 180 wordsThe Italian Minister of Finance has submitted a proposal to Cabinet for the abolition of death duties on a family inheritance. No duties in future will be paid by ...
Article : 82 wordsAn acquaintance formed on a bound from England to Australia was responsible for the Wasting of the happiness of the marital relations of Maurice ...
Article : 569 wordsThe doekers on strike are returning to work at the lower raie in Liverpool, Grimsby, and Cardiff. The strikers at London and Hull have ...
Article : 42 wordsA message from Honoluln states that Federal officials have announced that the supply on the Ventura, which, arrived there en route to San Francisco ...
Article : 94 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 337 wordsPeculiarities in the construction of the will and codicils of the late Sydney Philip Emanuel, were the subject of review before the Chief Justice (Sir Robert ...
Article : 243 wordsThe Prince of Wales entertained a party of Australians at an evening reception at St. James' Palace. Guests from all the States and the Commonwealth ...
Article : 78 wordsA factory belonging to the Richmond Hosiery Co., Richmond, has been broken into, and hosiery valued at £400 stolen. Nathan's clothing factory, in West ...
Article : 82 wordsIn the Senate yesterday, the Address-in-[?] debate was resumed by Senator Lynch, who unfavorably contrasted the present objective of Labor with the old ...
Article : 121 wordsRegarding the prospects of peace with Turkey, in the face of the past, newspapers are disinclined to attaeh value to the possibility that the Treaty will not be signed ...
Article : 238 wordsIn the Long Island American open golf championship, Larazen leads for the first 36 holes among the ninety players who participated in the first day's qualifying ...
Article : 52 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 118 wordsAt Midland Junction stock sales to-day agents yarded fully 300 to 400 spring lambs. The Westralian Farmers, Ltd., received a very fine consignment of perfect ...
Article : 64 wordsDuring the discussion at a deputation to the Premier this morning, the members of which asked for tramway extensions, Sir James Mitchell advised a lady ...
Article : 217 wordsA deputation consisting of all the Western Australian members and several from Tasmania was introduced by Mr. Gregory, M.H.R., to the Prime Minister, the object ...
Article : 256 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 531 wordsThe annual cricket match between the Oxford and Cambridge Universities resulted in a win for the Oxford University by an innings and 227 runs. ...
Article : 33 wordsFor some days detectives have been investigating an extensive series of supposed, frauds on an insurance company in Melbourne. ...
Article : 76 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 86 wordsLieut. Roth, a naval balloonist. was found in the floating basket of his craft 14 miles off the shore in Lake Eyrie. He was clad only in his underlothes, and ...
Article : 64 wordsEdward Hughes painted and his daughter Alice has photographed so many Royalties and leading beauties that there is much of interest in the story of their ...
Article : 510 wordsThe first, biennial conference of the British Empire Service League opens on July 16. Among the questions on the agenda are the league's fnture activities ...
Article : 71 wordsWhen the four young men Williamson Porteous (25), James Porteous (22), Edward Buckenara (19), and Albert Francis Ferguson (19), were before the ...
Article : 261 wordsA warrant has been issued here for the arrest of Lawrence H. Kearney, an American, charged with being concerned in a plot for the wholesale smuggling of arms ...
Article : 51 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 388 wordsAboard the U.S. steamer Henderson, President Harding and his party rode northwards along the Alaskan coast to-day. The President made his first shore ...
Article : 38 wordsThe Orient mail steamer ORSOVA is expected to arrive at Fremantle from the Eastern States en route to London, at 7 o'elock to-morrov,r morning, and should ...
Article : 99 wordsRepresentatives of pastoral and refrigerating interests met Colonel Cameron at a luncheon at Australia House to disease the position in and prospeets of the meat ...
Article : 54 wordsLieut Russell L. Maughan, French-Continental flyer, in attempting a dawn-to-dark fight from New York to San Francisco, broke his landing gear on route and was ...
Article : 41 wordsA message from [?] states that "Benny" Leonard won the decision in an eight-ronnd bout against Alex. Hart, Joe Lynch and "Bobby" Wolgast fought an ...
Article : 37 wordsThe Federal Coal Commission informal report declares that the anthracite mines should continues to work under private ownership, subject to Government scrutiny and ...
Article : 38 wordsThe Victorian Commissioner of Police has drafted new methods of dealing with the wary criminal. At present all that Bill Sykes has to do is to acquaint himself ...
Article : 303 wordsThe secretary of the Anti-Betting League, giving evidence before the Betting Commission, suggested that if there was a betting tax the newspapers should bear a ...
Article : 99 wordsManuel Alonso, a Spanish player, defeated William Tilden, the national champion, in the Illinois tennis championship. ...
Article : 27 wordsAt noon to-day Detective-Sergts. Cameron and Alfthin (of the Sydney police) arrested Adelaide Hope Porteous 124), married woman, and charged her with having ...
Article : 81 wordsThe Paragnayan revolutionists are reported to have advanced within 14 miles of Asuncison, the capital, and the Government authorities are prepared to repulse the ...
Article : 48 wordsMr. Cook, Electoral Officer, acting as Clerk of the Writs, to-day issued the writ for the by-election for the Eastern Province in the Legislative Council to fill the ...
Article : 145 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 94 wordsMessrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having received the folloxying cable from their London office, under date 10th insi:—"Owing to a strike at the Docks, wool ...
Article : 54 wordsAbont 2 o'clock this afternoon the Mid-land Railway Company received advice that washaways had occurred on the line between Three Springs and Arrino. Only ...
Article : 80 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 21 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Thu 12 Jul 1923, Page 9
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