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  2. The Poet's Corner.

    THOU shalt have sun and shower from heaven above, Thou shalt have flower and thorm from earth below, ...

    Article : 204 words
  3. "Ben Ready."

    THIRTY years ago a ship entering the harbour of Port Jackson was an event; [?]owds would gather at each point of vantage to discuss as she appreached ...

    Article : 1,991 words

    Fat Cattle.-About the aver[?] number were yarded this week, for which a fair demand existed at prices about equal to late quotations, say 12s ...

    Article : 1,352 words
  5. Commercial intelligence.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 328 words
  6. Wild Oats.

    HEAR what "Tom Brown at Oxford" says about them :-"In all the wide range of accepted British maxims there is none- [?]ake it for all -more ...

    Article : 146 words

    Stations.-Business under this head Is beginning to assume a more active tone, and sales of good falt[?]ning properties can be read[?]ty effected. During ...

    Article : 419 words
  8. Rural Rambles-IX.

    For some time past Singleton has been putting forward its claims to be considered a coal-mining district. Rix's Creek has been the scene of these ...

    Article : 1,399 words



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