UPON consideration of divers circumstances represented to the Magistrates, it is peremptorily ordered, that from and after the 1st day of August, 1813, until further Orders, only one description of Bread or Biscuit shall be [?]rade or ...
Article : 1,032 wordsAt the moment of my ordering the armies under my command to pass the Prussian frontier, the Emperor, my master, directs me to declare, that this step is to be considered in no other [?] than as the inevitable consequence ...
Article : 317 wordsWhen the Emperor of all the Russias was compelled, by a war of aggression, to take arms for the defence of his states, His Imperial Majesty, from the accuracy of his combinations, was enabled to form an estimate of the ...
Article : 1,171 words1st Corps at Thorn, 3 Generals, 19 Colonels, 8 Captains, 3 Ensigns, [?] Drummer, and no Privates.—2d. At Marienbourg. 2 Generals: nothing lower.—3d. At Elbing, 4 Generals, 7 Colonels, [?] Ca[?]tain, and 2 dismounted ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 31 Jul 1813, Page 3
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