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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading
  2. Do You Believe the World is Round?

    FOUR-AND-A-HALF centuries ago three tiny ships under the command of Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain to prove ...

    Article : 588 words
  3. Women's Interests

    Quite a number of supposedly wise men have said that the fear of war, or rather the possibility of war, keeps a nation virile. In other words, war and the preparation for war supplies an outlet for our savage ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 533 words

    A fakir named Burmah finished his 43rd day of fasting in a glass box at Bordeau recently. Fasting exhibitions reached their ...

    Article : 221 words

    SIR Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh are reported to have applied for membership of the Evils Club (Object: To preserve the ...

    Article : 215 words
  6. COOKERY CORNER Backed Mincemeat Roll

    MINCED meat needs only a few culinary frills to make it as tempting and appetising as expensive cuts of meat. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 200 words

    How did the expression "hauled over, the coals" come into our language, and how did it get its meaning? ...

    Article : 235 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 438 words
  9. Red Cross Needs Foreign Books

    THE Red Cross Society is appealing for books and magazines for the Foreign Section of the Library it is installing in the ...

    Article : 142 words



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