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  2. To the Editor of the Colonial Times.

    Si quid novisti rectius istis, Canctidus imperti, si non his, utore mecum. Such, Mr. Editor,' was the feeling with which I sent you the statement of the races ...

    Article : 1,261 words
  3. Australian Extracts.

    The Alfred, belonging to the house of Jones and Walker, on her late whaling trip, was provided with lines made from New Zealand flax, and others of European manufacture.— ...

    Article : 1,129 words
  4. Tasmanian Extracts.

    The tenders of wheat accepted by the Commissariat last week are, we understand, from 5s. to 5s. 6d. sterling a bushel. We look upon this, at a time when we conceive the ...

    Article : 348 words
  5. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,203 words



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