No tea has been all lowed to be shipped on the Olivia or Governor Arthur. There is not a week's supply of rum at Sydney; sugar, of good quality, is £56 a ton there. Almost ...
Article : 120 wordsWe have always been of opinion, that, to render a Newspaperof real value to the community, its contents should be "open to all, and influenced by none," and such we ...
Article : 4,267 wordsI am happy that my Communication apEeared in your last Paper, especially as I believe that it has already had some eftect.— This morning the foreman celled at the house ...
Article : 257 wordsMR. EDITOR,—I fear you are much out in your calculation of the exuense, which the road to the new Government-house will cost the Public. There have been 100* men ...
Article : 421 wordsThe catt of G. THOMPSON, Esq. J. P. wa robbed last week, within live feet of Mr. Reid's window, at Bothwell. Mr. Scott's house was attacked on the 30th of ...
Article : 493 wordsWe have the pleasure to lay before our Readers the Address which was forwarded to the Throne, by the Settlers and Inhabitants of Van Diemeu's Land, praying for the ...
Article : 1,215 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 324 wordsOn Friday evening last, the 8th instant, Mr. Laing, the Chief District Constable at So0rell, received information that Black Tom, the native Aborigine, commonly called ...
Article : 359 wordsSIR, —Some circumstances have occurred which induces me to intrude upon you a few observations, which I should be glad to see inserted in your valuable Publication, if you ...
Article : 328 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (Hobart, Tas. : 1825 - 1827), Fri 15 Dec 1826, Page 3
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