The recent gathering of "ye ancient" should convice Victorians that the old city stands well up the list of health resorts; also that it is ...
Article : 690 wordsShortly after 7.15 on Monday night a young man named Bernard Medlyn, 24 years, of Bonbeach, had both legs almost severed when his motor cycle ...
Article : 198 wordsCharged with being the holder of a billiard table license for premises in Ferguson street, and with permitting a table on the premises to be ...
Article : 204 wordsCharges of stealing an iron anchor and block, the property of Geo.. Burton, and valued at 17/10/, were called against Allen Edward Gent, ...
Article : 221 wordsAt Tuesday's court, Noel Jeffress, Fairview avenue, Burwood, was charged with driving a car in such a manner that more than two vehicles ...
Article : 112 wordsThe "Middies" Theatrical Co., under the direction of Mr Norman Bunn, successfully staged the musical comedy, "A Little Bit of Fluff," at ...
Article : 76 wordsThe meeting of the hospital committee at the Town Hall last Thursday evening was presided over by Mr F. S. Young (in the absence of the ...
Article : 326 wordsA charge of driving a motor car on a public highway, without the car being registered for that purpose, was heard against Jack Hedditch, of ...
Article : 177 wordsAnzac bay celebrations were carried out on Friday, April 23, at the above school. Officers and members of school committee and mothers ...
Article : 207 wordsBecause, without reasonable excuse, they entered a station platform otherwise than by means of the entrances provided thereat, three men were ...
Article : 123 wordsPatrons of the recreation rooms at the Mechanics' Institute will be delighted on their next visit to the upstairs lounge, arranged in the ...
Article : 132 wordsA complaint that her husband had left her without means of support was laid. recently by Violet Elizabeth Seymour, of Stevedore street, against ...
Article : 53 words{No abstract available}
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Williamstown Chronicle (Vic. : 1856 - 1954), Sat 1 May 1937, Page 1
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