Oh, who would be that thoughtless was, At night abroad to roam, And not adopt the wiser plan, To stop witt wife at home; ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 89 wordsWE desire to bring the notice of the Legislative Council, the imperfect state of the Colonial law of Debtor and Credited. In its present from it [?] to our way of thinking, to as unprincipled. ...
Article : 1,320 wordsThe report of the Committee upon the Supreme Court Hill was brought up— his Excellency laid the Bill upon the table, as amended— ordered to be read a third time, to—morrow. ...
Article : 226 wordsSIR.— I have seen nothing in the public prints, since the recall of Governor Arthur, which shews the opinion entertained by the Settlers of his administration more, than the Address presented from the ...
Article : 313 words{No abstract available}
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The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Sat 23 Jul 1836, Page 1
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