Immediately after the despatch of my letter this afternoon, Sir Charles O'Donnell, who has a special command in this district, received an application for reinforcements from Cnrriclc-on-Suir, ...
Article : 1,201 wordsCHARITABLE PERFORMANCE.—This Evening will be devoted to a charitable performance, for the benefit of an unfortunate fellow-creature, at Radford's amphitheatre; the proprietor having generously given up the services of ...
Article : 478 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 587 wordsMr. T. Napier is about to proceed immediately to the Comoro Isles, in the Indian Ocean, as Consul of Great Britain, the very great increase of our trade in that quarter demanding the ...
Article : 758 wordsIn the absence of any report from our own correspondent we publish, without vouching for its accuracy, the following intelligence just received from the Electric Telegraph Company:— ...
Article : 176 wordsIn the House of Lords last night Lord Brougham asked the Marquis of Lansdowne whether there was not ground to suppose that the accounts received in London yesterday morning respecting an outbreak ...
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The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Sat 2 Dec 1848, Page 2
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