{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 153 wordsWhereas divers articles of stolen and unclaimed property have from time to time come into my charge: This is to give notice, that all such as may not be claimed on or before Monday, the 18th of October next, will be sold by ...
Article : 73 wordsThe annual statements of this Company exhibit the most satisfactory returns. The losses this year have not exceeded £200, while the whole of the profits amount to £4,800. The premiums upon policies exceed those of the previous year by ...
Article : 379 wordsNotice.—The Sheep-owners of Richmond having been repeatedly annoyed of late by the number of dogs which now infest this district, the settlers and others, and all ticket-of-leave men keeping dogs and allowing them to go ...
Article : 157 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 122 wordsThis is to give notice that, by order of the Chief Police Magistrate, there will be sold by public auction in Highstreet, Campbell Town, on Wednesday, the 6th day of October next, one large chesnut gelding, standing sixteen hands high, ...
Article : 62 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 78 wordsSIR,—As the public mind appears very much excited just now in the prospect of the Government collecting the "Quit Rents," I shall feel obliged by your publishing in your influential journal the following notice for the ...
Article : 343 wordsWhereas divers articles of stolen and unclaimed property have from time to time come into my charge:—This is to give notice, that all such as may not be claimed on or before Wednesday, the 16th October next, will be sold by me on that day ...
Article : 71 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 71 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 327 wordsThe contractor having failed to furnish the necessary sureties for the due fulfilment of the contracts, it is hereby notified that fresh tenders will be received for the Conveyance per Horse Post, twice a week, of the following Branch Mails, from the ...
Article : 399 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 61 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 741 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 690 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 483 wordsSir,—With reference to your notice of the 1st instant (inserted in the Hobart Town Gazette of that date) inviting tenders for the Conveyance of the Branch Mails to and from [here insert the description of mails] twice a week, I beg to acquaint ...
Article : 92 wordsSeveral free, active men are required as messengers for this department, to be employed at Hobart Town and Launceston. Applicants residing at Hobart Town are to apply personally at this office; those at Launceston, by letter to the ...
Article : 68 wordsSeveral ticket-of-leave men being required by this department for the purpose of being employed as carriers of sealed mails in the interior, the Postmaster-General is prepared to receive applications from such as are of good character; to serve for ...
Article : 61 wordsNotice is hereby given, that His Eicellency the Lieutenant-Governor has transmitted to the Supreme Court of Van Diemen's Land, to be therein enrolled and recorded, pursuant to the 22nd section of 9th George IV. cup. 83, the ...
Article : 184 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 482 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 140 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 54 wordsIN order to clear off a variety of official documents, as well as the greater portion of last week's Gazette, we this morning present our readers with a supplementary sheet. ...
Article : 88 wordsA kiln of Bricks, containing about 90,000, stacked ready for burning, will be sold by [?] in [?] [?] in the Government Brick-fields, Argyle-street, at 12 o'clock on Monday, the 11th October next. ...
Article : 60 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Mon 4 Oct 1841, Page 1
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