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Detailed lists, results, guides : 201 wordsNov.27.—[?] (schooner), 73 tons, Tullock, master, from Hobart Town: Rich Green, agent.— 5 carrotels currants, 4 boxes [?] 2 cases [?] 1 case [?] de cologne, 1 quarter-cask [?] cases wine, 4 cases [?] 20 boxes souchong 20 boxes ...
Article : 845 wordsDRAFTS on England have been reduced by Bank, from 3 to 2 per cent. The P. P. Patriot mentions that various complaints are made respecting the non arrival of letters ...
Article : 564 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 48 wordsHE last published Gazette exhibits the statement of die Revenue and Expenditure of this colony for the quarter ending 30th September, 1847, as compared with the corresponding quarter in 1846. ...
Article : 1,316 wordsIn a portion of Wednesday's impression we inserted from the Courier the judgment of the Chief Justice in the case of Symonds v. Morgan. We now give the observations of Mr. Justice ...
Article : 904 wordsOUR Cape files by the Mary Hay reach to the 14th Oct. Wheat is down to ten shillings a bushel, and there was a plentiful supply at provisions from the United States, and a prospect of a plentiful harvest. The rains on the ...
Article : 352 wordsTHE LATE TROTTING MATCH—It seems that some ignoramus who knows more about the " hod" than the "turf," has laid an information for furious riding against the umpire at the trotting match last week, in hopes of ...
Article : 650 wordsTHE Wheat Market is firm at 5s, and whilst many are holding for a higher price, there are not any transactions of note at a higher rate. Barley and oats as before. The news from the Cape per Mary Bay, gives about 10s 6d per bushel for wheat.— ...
Article : 417 wordsHortle v. Brown & Son—This was an information exhibited before Charles Arthur, Esq., Dr. Paton, and Alex. Clerke, Esq, and filed by the district-constable, who holds likewise the situation of Examiner of Weights and ...
Article : 1,301 wordsTHE THEATRE.—We have only space to recommend the performances at the Olympic for Monday as announced per advertisement, to public patronage. Mr and Mrs. Mereton sand high in factor and the [?] then have made to conduce to the ...
Article : 112 words{No abstract available}
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The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Sat 4 Dec 1847, Page 2
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