Present—His Excellency, the official members and Captain Bagot. BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETIES' BILL. In Committee. ...
Article : 5,103 wordsJohn Smith, master mariner, was brought up on remand, charged with not having on board the ship, the Alexander Harvey, certain packages contained in the clearance of the said ship, contrary to the 36th ...
Article : 638 wordsMichael Heeney, was charged with using threatening and abusive language to Thomas Riordan Reading, inspector of nuisances. Complainant deposed, that on the 15th instant he ...
Article : 905 wordsSIR—Your paper of last Tuesday contains a little article about the German Emigration Society, offering some 'well-meant remarks," to which I shall offe a short reply, requesting you to give ...
Article : 503 wordsA meeting of the Anti-Land and Dray Tax League was held yesterday, at the White Horse, Currie-street, Alexander Anderson, Esq., in the chair. The attendance was not ...
Article : 1,148 words{No abstract available}
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South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851), Fri 26 Jul 1850, Page 3
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