SIR,—I notice inserted in the "Examiner," a letter hearing an anonymous signature, in reference to a letter published by Mr. Henry Reed, of this town and in the same paper an editorial acknowledgment of the name of ...
Article : 392 wordsAMONGST a tribe living at Tekaha, there was a very pretty-looking Maori girl; her parents were people of rank, and she was betrothed to a young Chief of her own tribe. ...
Article : 1,871 wordsSir,—Having seen a letter in your last Saturday's newspaper, signed, "A Wayfarer," having reference to some dishonest conduct on the part of an Innkeeper, and being informed that I am the person intended, I beg to call your ...
Article : 1,155 wordsConstable Alexander charged with doing the "amiable" to Mr. Midgeley's servant woman, and inducing her to leave her master's premises admitted the soft impeachment "but who," intimated he, "could withstand the devouring ...
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The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Sat 29 Aug 1846, Page 660
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