Close upon the death of old Jorrocks we are called upon to notice that of the celebrated Victorian mare, Alice Hawthorne, so well known to New South Wales sporting men, as the animal ...
Article : 1,406 wordsIt may be interesting to our readers to know that there is a match such as the above talked of and that a challen go has been sent out to America and Frunce to row an eight-oared race on the Thames in August, from Putney ...
Article : 780 wordsREMITTANCES RECEIVED from T. M., Bland Plains; J. D. and W. L. for D.M., Albury:W. B.,Cassilla; T.g. Gloucester; T.B., Grosses Plain; J D. F., Beechworth; G. C. M., Gundamaine; J, T., Shoalhaven: J. B, Ulladulla; J. C., Marouya: J.R. and ...
Article : 297 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 146 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 51 wordsDEAR MR BELL—Bein as how I'm in the way of seein the horses and hearin most things as goes on in the stables, leastways them as is stables: I makes bold to tip you a small stave about the Champion Race. You see ...
Article : 688 wordsA match for £110 aside—two miles, one event, carrying 8 st each—came off yesterday Betting 10 to 4 on Shamrock; and even bets he would never be heeded. The Soldier took the lend near the gats Shamrock callared ...
Article : 163 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 96 wordsALTHOUGH pacific, as regards the relations between England and France, the intelligence just received does not by any means assure us that the peace of Europe will long remain uninterrupted; ...
Article : 944 wordsNOTWITHSTANDING that the fine weather with which we have been favored during the week has made racing matters generally somewhat more lively, we have but little news to lay before our ...
Article : 654 wordsDEAR BELL—All lovers of ditt, who did not go to Maitland last neck, lost a great trent, for verily them was any quantity of it there, and that of the dirtiest description The course was awful; we never saw one worse, or even ...
Article : 699 wordsThere is all at on the river Mersey one of the greatest novelties of the season, if not of the ago, a cance yacht on the principle of the proa of the Southern Ocean Islaorders She has been constructed by the hon secretary of the Royal ...
Article : 1,066 wordsDuring the week we have "taken stock" of two thoroughbred horses, lately landed from the Ludwig Heyn; they are to be offered for sale by Mr Martyn early in September, and their full pedigrees will be found in ...
Article : 512 wordsGENTLEMEN,—As race programmes for the coming season are now being, and about to be, put. forth in great variety, perhaps a few words in the subject of Maiden Plates may not be out of place; and I dare say I shall be ...
Article : 864 wordsThis was the last day and low seemed sorry for it. The day was showery, like the others; and very few persons visited the course, which was in a wretched state. There was but one race on the card.— ...
Article : 647 wordsTHERE HUNDRED GUINEAS FOR AN UNTRIED TWO YEAR OLD COLT.—In the present dearth of good young stock at our race meetings, it is at least satisfactory to know that New South Wales does still breed good ones, ...
Article : 256 wordsA new aspirant, William Franklin, who has arrived from London, within the last few days, is anxiuna to test his powers of the pugilists of New South Wales; and with ' that cad, will fight any ten stone man ...
Article : 81 wordsCOCKING.—A day's cocking took placo on the 11th instant, between Line Cove and Kissing Point. in which the former came off victorious Press of matter prevents our giving an extended account of each battle, with the various ...
Article : 128 wordsA Chamber of Commerce has been inaugarated at Brisbane, ...
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Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), Sat 18 Aug 1860, Page 2
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