IN the sure and certain hope that a day is at hand when those sandstone embodiments of a diseased imagination popularly known as the Post Office Carvings—statues that have taken advantage of their exalted position in ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,364 wordsWHO says that we don't know how to "live up" to our climate? Surely no one who have ever sipped the delights of a musical evening upon moonlit waters. It was an experience of mysterious harmonies that the committee ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 523 wordsTHE Rev. James Watkin, who died at Ashfield on May 14th, was the oldest clergyman of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Australasia. His ministry in the Southern World is extended over the long peroid of 55 ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 947 wordsCONCEIVE him indeed if you can! Daub the pallet of your imagination with blue, splash it with green, and then by way of contrast rub in a murky mixture of the most jaundiced hues any ordinary paint box affords, and ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1881 - 1894), Tue 15 Jun 1886, Page 3
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