THE arrival of a gentleman in Sydney entrusted with full powers, as we understand, by wealthy and influential English capitalist, of negotiating with the several Australian Governments, for laying down a submarine line from Moreton Bay to Java, has naturally drawn much attention towards the subject. The following memorandum has beeb published, at the request of Mr Gisborne, as explanatory of his views. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 850 wordsTHE Festival which was so worthily ushered in on Monday the 18th of July, by the Univeisity Commemorations, and the daily progress of which we duly chronicled, is of so important a character,—let us hope so beneficial ...
Article : 1,662 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 3,487 wordsSINCE the foundation of the colony, perhaps, has no scene been witnessed equal in splendour or importance to that which took place at the Sydney Univers[?]y on Monday, July 18th. Hitherto the Enc[?]nia, or ...
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Sat 13 Aug 1859, Page 3
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