RANG TIRA, steamer, 500 tons, Trouton, from Melbourne 18th instant Passengers —Mrs. Stroud, Mrs. Shring, Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, Messrs. P. Nisser, Wagner, Mitchell, Hoban, Row. lands, McAlpine, foxton, and 81 in the steerage, A. S. N. Co., ...
Article : 174 wordsOctober 15;—Dove and Lucy, for Circular Head; Frolle, for King's Islands Koera, for Port Albert; Tasmania. for Hobart Town. city of Melbourne, for Sydney; Coorang, for Adelaida. ...
Article : 56 wordsFURTHER news has arrived of the doings of the buskrangers. On Monday morning Gilbert, O'Meally, HaII, Vane, and Barke, visited Mr. Gran's house at Bellubula. They ...
Article : 217 wordsOctober 18. 9 a.m.—Brisbane, calm and hazey. Grafton, S.; fine. Tenterfield. S.E.; fine. Armidale, S.W. strong and fine. ...
Article : 83 wordsTHE Select Committee of the Legislative Council appointed on the motion of Mr. KEMP to consider whether additional lighthouses are necessary on the coast of New Holland, have done ...
Article : 1,034 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 27 wordsSPRAY, brig, for Otago. ALEXANDRA, schooner, for Melbourne. ...
Article : 9 wordsFor Calcutta.—T. D. Marshall, This Day; Dartmouth, This Day. For Nelson.—Frowning Beauty, early; Prince Alfred, steamer 24th instant. ...
Article : 83 wordsTHE delivery of the mail in Sydney on Tuesday Iast has put us in possession of full particulars of the progress and close of the July-August wool sales, by which we learn that the ...
Article : 2,612 wordsAt the Subscription Rooms Iast night, the committee decided that bets on the Jockey Club Spring-Meeting should not be-rendered void through the postponement; of the races. ...
Article : 85 wordsRangatira, steamer, 382 tons, Paddle, for Melbourne. A.S.N. Co., agents. Alice Camoron, barque, 347 tons, Barron, fot Auckland. Laidley, Ireland, and Co., agents. ...
Article : 62 wordsFANNY. FISHER, barque, 238 tons, Armstrong, for Dunedin, with 70 passengers EWALD, schooner, 152 tons, Evans, for Melbourne. COASTWIDE. ...
Article : 132 wordsSolomon.and Co. sold at auction to-day, 5600 bags Mauritius sugara, ex Lord Nelson, at 20s. to 40? 2d. ence on previous rates. Lady Daly will present the prizes to the succesful ...
Article : 38 wordsHIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that the undermentioned gentlemen have been appointed members of the Executive Council, viz.:— James Martin, Essquire ...
Article : 54 wordsRangatira, steamer, from Melbourne: 10 packages, Watkins and Leigh; 12 packages, J. and S. Thompson; 11 packages, Drynan and Co.: 1 package, Prince, Ogg, end Co.; 150 cases currents, Love and Son; 12 packages, Leverrier, Curoler, and Co.; 17 pack, ...
Article : 280 wordsHis Excellency the Governor has been promsied to appoint the undermentioned gentleman to the offices mentioned in connection with their respective ...
Article : 95 wordsClosing at the General Post Office, as follows:— For Hongkong.—By the Devonshire, This Day, at noon, if not under way. For Calcutta.—By the T. D. Marshall and Dartmouth,This Day, ...
Article : 129 wordsHis Excellency the Governor, with [?] he advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased be appoint. The Honorable John Bowie Wilson, Ewquire, to be Secretary for Lands. ...
Article : 128 wordsThe Mails by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation company's steamer BOMBAY will be made up at this office THURSDAY, the 22nd instant, at 9 a.m., for all letters not addressed to the United Kingdom, and at 11 a.m. for all letters so ...
Article : 610 wordsGOLD IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA.—E. H. Hargraves, Esq who a few months since returned from Western Aus wralia, which colony be visited under an engagement with the Perth. Government, who were, desirous of ...
Article : 736 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 82 wordsOctober 10,—R M. S. S. Madras, from Galle; Pot, from Mauritius; Jessie Munn, from Liverpool. October 11.—Formoss, from Mauritius. October 12.—Choice, from Newcastle. ...
Article : 67 wordsOctober 2.—Agnes Jessie, from Sydney. October 3 —Welcome, from Sydney. SAILED. October 2. Oak, for Nelson;Ziska, for Melbourne ...
Article : 27 wordsTHE downfall of a professedly Liberal Administration has seldom, according to historical precedents at least, been productive of much injury to the Liberal cause. Whether it be that men ...
Article : 1,504 wordsOctober 10.—Highlander, brig, 196 tons, H. Boor, for Sydney. Passengers—Cabin: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Little and four children, Mrs. Thomelson, Mr. Moon, Master T. and Henry. Moora, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, ...
Article : 76 wordsOctober 15—Catherine Agnes, from Sydney: Mary Agnes and Pantaloon, from Otago; Alexander, from Wellington. SAILED. Ootober 15.—Zone, Little Pet, Scotia, and Atlantio, for, ...
Article : 34 wordsOctober 15.—Clarence, steamer, from Sydney. SAILED. Ocotober 16,—Louis and Mary, for Maryborough. ...
Article : 13 wordsIt is stated that an only sister (Miss Campbell) is the solo surviving member of Lord Clyde's family; but there are two, lf not three, cousins hearing his father's name of Masliver. ...
Article : 32 wordsOctober 15.—Scotle, from Sydney; Spray and Success, from Newcastle; H. M. S. S. Esk, 21 guns, from Plymouth. ...
Article : 23 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Sat 17 Oct 1863, Page 4
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