SIR,—As you have stated in your able leader of the 18th instant, the commissioners who valued those runs for which new leases have been granted, deserve the same fate as that ...
Article : 1,938 wordsTHE position of the great Scotch families is legally that of the great-English families, with one theoretical exception. A Scotch peer is not necessarily a member of the legislature, the ...
Article : 2,638 wordsAS a rule, the approach of a general election in a remote colony is not an object of very serious interest to the politicians of the mother country. The questions involved are commonly so purely ...
Article : 2,023 wordsSOME time ago, Mr. Elder, of the Government marine yard, Williamstown, suggested the possibility of defending Hobson's Bay, in the absence of ships of war, by a number of rafts of colonial ...
Article : 1,419 wordsFROM the article on "The Wheat Plant," by Lewis Bollman, of Bloomington, Indiana, published in the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, we (Scientific American) extract the ...
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Thu 22 Dec 1864, Page 2
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