WE are now in the depth of winter, the shortest day of the season is past, but with us, as in the old land, "as the day lengthens the cold strengthens." The phenomena ...
Article : 1,372 wordsA MOST complete military narration of all that was done at the above review on the Queen's Birthday might be given, and yet fail to furnish the slightest idea of the ...
Article : 622 wordsTHE particulars of the late painful accident, by which the above well-beloved and much respected minister lost his life, will be fresh in the memories of our readers. On the 12th ...
Article : 914 wordsAMONG those who have lately been removed from us by death—few, if any, will be more sincerely regretted than Dr. A'Beckett. Arriving in this colony in June, 1838—his ...
Article : 525 wordsMR. EDWARD REEVE, fourth son of lieutentant John Andrewes Reeve, R.N., was born at Locking, in the county of Somerset, in England, in 1822, and was educatedat the Bristol ...
Article : 510 wordsTHIS month we present our readers with a sketch of the public gardens in Launceston, one of the most attractive places of public resort in Northern Tasmania. The ...
Article : 220 wordsAs a supplement to the present number we issue a large view of the above elaborate structure, now being erected under the auspices of the Roman Catholic portion of our ...
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Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1853 - 1872), Mon 10 Jul 1871, Page 3
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