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Article : 490 wordsTHE latest news dates Sept. 19. The Register gives the following information respecting the pastoral leases:—"At the present time there are 253 less[?]es of Crown Lands in this ...
Article : 288 wordsAT his recent election for the County of Durham Mr. Jones spoke as follows on the above subject:— "The question woulds be an easy one if the Government were only called on to deal with it ...
Article : 844 wordsW[?] the following [?] observations [?] published report of the Officer [?] of Sydney, in the hope [?] to the inhabitants of ...
Article : 2,390 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 3,124 wordsWE have news to Sept. 24. The correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald furnishes the following particulars of the disturbances among the unemployed in Melbourne:— ...
Article : 1,955 wordsWE have intelligence to Aug. 19. The Commercial News speaking of the Government School, says:—"Some excitement has been created among certain of the parents of ...
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The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Sat 10 Oct 1857, Page 4
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