Mar. 30. Cumberland, schooner, 58 tons, Wyborn, from Sydney 19th ult. Passengers—Four in the steerage[?] April 1. Tamar, steamer, 130 tons, Paine, from ...
Article : 1,063 wordsSIR,—In my last letter I proposed giving you an estimate of cost for 20 acres of cotton, and would have sent [?] you for publication in your last issue, had[?] not been disappointed in receiving some ...
Article : 586 wordsELSEWHERE in this issue it is noticed that a proposal has been made at Port Phillip for the formation of a Society for the development of the natural and industrial ...
Article : 890 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 221 wordsIN publishing our accounts of the exports for the quarter ending 31st December last we took occasion to congratulate our readers upon the increasing amount and ...
Article : 495 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 70 wordsOur agent at Ipswich complains that the papers received by him for delivery have frequently been short of the proper number, and particularly upon the last occasion. The papers ...
Article : 87 wordsA CORRESPONDENT at Wallun, Lower Condamine. River, writes as follows, under date March 15th:— The Native Police, commanded by Lieutenant Marshall, having arrived here at the end of last ...
Article : 205 wordsBY the Tamar we have received our usual files of papers, to the following dates, viz., Sydney, 27th March; Hobart Town, 15th March; Port Phillip, 19th March; and ...
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The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Sat 6 Apr 1850, Page 2
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