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    King Highandmighty, whose word is Anal, and whose sword is sharp. Queen Youngheart, who loves everyone not grown up, and does exactly as she pleases. ...

    Article : 167 words
  3. Results of the Prize- Competitions.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 976 words
  4. Thomas.

    Thomas looked guilty. "Mum's the word," he said. "Tell me instantly,'" she cried. "Mum's the word," he repeated ...

    Article : 304 words
  5. Jester's Competitions.

    Tailor (to mother, who is buying a suit for her boy): "Do you want the Shoulders padded?" Little Boy: "No, mamma; tell him to pad the knickerbeekers." ...

    Article : 178 words
  6. Queen Youngheart's Competition.

    The name and location of my home is given above. It is a large, square, stone house, standing high on the hill. The balcony faces Coogee Day, and such a lovely sight it is-on fine days, ...

    Article : 582 words

    That was the beginning of a terrible time for Thomas. Dr. Bartlett, entirely refused to take extra fees for any indulgences or luxuries; if the boy came to him be must fare just as the ...

    Article : 2,014 words



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