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  2. Patents and Inventions,

    Mr.Fred Walsh, patent, agent, 23 Elizabethstreet, Sydney, has compiled, from the records or the Patents Office, Sydney, the following list of applications for letters patent and certificates ...

    Article : 499 words

    For the second time in succession has Mr.J. B.Belfield annexed the title of New South Wales amateur champion, winning the honour the second time by defeating Mr. H.Humhall at the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 918 words
  4. Ragging in the Army.

    The cables last week brought news of a verdict, in the court-martial held at Capetown on various officers for "ragging'' or ill-treating a civilian. ...

    Article : 432 words
  5. The Cost of Federation.

    The Prime Minister, in the House of Representatives, said that during 1901-02, the only year for which complete returns were available, the sum of £888,742 over and above the ...

    Article : 236 words
  6. Excise on Sugarcane for Fodder.

    The Minister for Trade and Customs, whilst speaking to a deputation from the Bundaberg Council of Agriculture in April last, with reference to the penalties imposed under section 120 ...

    Article : 257 words
  7. Irrigation Conference.

    An irrigation conference of representatives of the principal leagues in the Goulburn Valley and Riverina was held at Cobram, Victoria, when the following resolution was carried— "That, in the ...

    Article : 158 words



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