DEAR DICK,—I copied my school letter to Farther and Mather ten times before one was good enough, and while the teacher is putting the capitals and flourishes in I shall slip this off on ...
Article : 1,359 wordsIN a case of felony, where there is coun[?] for the prisoner, counsel for the prosecution ought always to open the case, but he should not open if the prisoner has no ...
Article : 285 wordsSTRANDE SIMILES;—Alluding to the strange similes used by persons of different castes in life, a modern writer mentions the following in a curious and talented article which some time ago ...
Article : 360 wordsHe laid the foundations of the capitol; and to the industry and public spirit of this [?]march, the Romans were indebted for their aqueducts (and subterraneous sewers) ...
Article : 1,446 wordsA Friend.—" Who goes there?" said an trish sentry of tiie British Legion at St. Sebastian— "A friend," was the prompt reply.—" Then stand where you are," said Pat, " for by the ...
Article : 1,471 wordsSNIP AND GALEN. — Mr. Matthew Sheil, a constructor of inexpressibles, appeared inexpressably reluctant to pay the sum of half-a-guinea to Dr. Bland for professional attendance. The ...
Article : 790 wordsFrenchwomen.—A Frenchwoman in the decline of life is one of the most delightful companions in the world. She retains a sufficient desire to please (the real source of coquetry) to ...
Article : 1,399 wordsI do not intend being my own biographer; that task would be too severe, even for patience and philosophy. Such a complication of ruined speculations, family janglings, miscarried ...
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Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), Sat 13 Nov 1847, Page 1
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