Stands the old dear home by the blue, bright cove, And the garden blooms to the wave-kiss't shore; There my life grew soft in the print of love— Ah! now like a dream to be no more! ...
Article : 308 words[?] Frencn physicists have been examining into [?] he photographic effect of light at very low temp [?]ratures. They find that when a senslticed pla[?] is dipped into liquid air and immediately ...
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Advertising : 1,255 wordsSir,—It was gratifying to me to see in your valuable journal such an able and true letter from Mr. A. Cameron, of Mount Rainbow, via Gladstone, Queensland, in your issue of the 10th ...
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Sat 24 Jun 1899, Page 63
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