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  2. The Soudan Advance.

    The "Times" special correspondent with the Nile Expedition, writing from Assouan on August 12, says there ls little doubt that the Sirdar will advance on the Dervish stronghold of Berber as ...

    Article : 720 words
  3. " Our Grandmother."

    The dear, delightful old lady who forms the central figure of our illustration is evidently blessed with numerous descndants. She has evidently taken advantage of a pleasant day for ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 194 words
  4. Caste Feeling.

    Sir Edwin Arnold, speaking of the caste feeling in India, says: "I had a great friend, a Hinda: Jemidar, who was dying of anaemia. I remember saying to him iu sad j[?]t, "Govinda-ji, I could ...

    Article : 91 words
  5. Thc New Schoolboy.

    A teacher the other day. instructed her scholars to draw any figure they could, using only three straight lines. A boy accordingly made three short straight lines. ...

    Article : 53 words



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