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  2. A Champion Axeman.

    There is to be a big "chop" at the gathering of the Lower Clarence Caledonian Society on May 24 next, and the Victorian and Tasmanian axe champions have notified their intention of ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 487 words
  3. Hush! The Moon is Crying.

    Hush! the moon is crying—Why? Tears are falling from her eye. Little stars, they wond'ring peep, z "Mother, tell us why you weep?" ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 111 words
  4. The Afridis' Prisoner.

    A newspaper correspondent at Mamani has obtained from Color-sergeant Walker, of the Royal Soots Fusiliers, the following narrative of his experiences while a prisoner with the Afridis. He ...

    Article : 959 words
  5. Public Works Department.

    The magnitude and nature of the operations carried out by our Public Works Department, year by year, seldom come before the public in their entirety. Cumbersome, blue-covered. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,003 words



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