The Speaker took the chair to-day at five minutes past three. NOTICES OF MOTION, &c. The AUDITOR-GENERAL and that with raspect to ...
Article : 4,236 wordsTHE CASTLEMAINE ESCORT.—This escort arrived at the Treasury at two p.m. yesterday, and brought from Castlemaine 21,514 ounces, and from M'Ivor 2683 ounces. The last number from Castlemaine is 11,136; ...
Article : 2,087 wordsSeveral interesting returns, made in accordance with motions by Mr. S[?]rashan, member of Council for Geelong, have been recently printed by order of the House. We shall describe them under their respective ...
Article : 460 wordsThe land question is the chief subject of discussion among the colonists. The Inquirer of the 10th August has an article upon it, from which we give an extract. Referring to the Land Sales Act, it says:— ...
Article : 1,066 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 293 wordsDear Sir,—Think you that by the pub[?] of Melville, Wilson, and Atkins, this me[?] is gratified, the law satisfied, God prop[?] crime arrested? The three culprits, pro[?] ...
Article : 1,069 wordsCAPTURE.—The five sailors whose desertion from the Olthon[?] we reported in our last, were captured by Sergeant-Major South just as they were about to cross over by the punt as the mouth of the Gl[?]n[?]lg. Their ...
Article : 396 wordsThis was the first meeting in the above estate for the proof of debts. Two cre[?]tors proved: A. Thompson £21, Day M'Roberts and Co. £183 14s. The insolvent had been a storekeeper at Bendigo, and had ...
Article : 230 wordsHUON DISTRICT.—When the estimates were under consideration, the following admission was made by the acting Colonial Secretary:—"The population last census was 2500, and row there were some 8000 ...
Article : 978 wordsThe Court opened its sittings this morning at ten o'clock, when the following prisoner was arraigned. HORSE-[?]TEALING. Before the following jury:—D. Gregg (foreman), J. ...
Article : 2,872 wordsSTART OF SAN FRANCISCO—Never in the history of San Francisco has so much activity been displayed in the improvement of the city as new. The pushing, bustiling, hurrying spirit of our people falte [?] at no ...
Article : 1,105 wordsW.M. Tennent and Co., at their Rooms—Heyington Property on the Gardiner's Creek Road, Cork butter, chocolate, cut wine-glasses; and at the Queen's Wharf —Countess slates. ...
Article : 218 wordsIn regard to these estimates, the executive are in an unpleasant dilemma. After a year's experience of the progress of this colony in those golden times, they either made a most grievous mis[?]loulation of what ...
Article : 368 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 15 Oct 1853, Page 5
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