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  2. Building and Bushwork for Selectors, Squatters, and others.

    THE following is not intended as a description of the art, as practised in towns, where the procese is facilitated by various appliances, which would be costly to provide for a limited number; but describes the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,471 words
  3. The Sugar Season—Preparing to Carrv the Cane.

    IN preparation for the approaching orushing season a trial test of the Colonial Sugar Refining Company's new plants was made at Broadwater, as reported oy the NORTHERN STAR, for the purpose of arriving at ...

    Article : 438 words
  4. Local Botany.

    WE are pleased to to able to report the continued success of the Campbelltown Botanical Collecting Sooiety, the annual report of which, for the year 1881, has been forwarded to us. ...

    Article : 1,858 words



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