The greatest of all tom-foolery is that of a mere proser supposing himself to be inspired with the divine strains of poesy, when in point of fact his almost efforts would produce no more music than ...
Article : 1,490 wordsRobert Campbell Ship Owner, Campbell's Go-downs. Jones and Walker, Ship Owners and Merchants, Huateratreet. Berry and Wollstonecraft, Merchants, George-atreet. ...
Article : 176 wordsThis was an application, on the part of the defendant, for a Rule to shew cause why a new trial should not be had in the above case. Rule granted. ...
Article : 1,780 wordsMEMBERS RETURNED IN ADDITION TO THOSE ALREADY PUBLISHED IN OUR JOURNAI — Andover-Sir John Walter Pollen, and T.A Smith, Etq (not Sir J. N Keut, as stated by mistake) ...
Article : 1,420 wordsMoNDAT, NoV. 20—William Harrison, a prisoner of the crown, was charged by the Acting Attorney General Willum Henry Moore, Esq. with having, used abusive and threat[?]ing language towards him at his own door, in the afternoon of Snnday The case bein,; proved, ...
Article : 2,765 wordsSRI, The public attention being engaged at present in the reported newr duties, and a regal custom house establishment, which has long; been wanted, allow me to say a few words on the subject ...
Article : 320 wordsSRI, I did intend taking 50 Tickets,in aid of the Benerolent Funds, for my Friends, at the coming Amatenr Concert, but under standing that Nrs.JONESfron illiberal and gross ...
Article : 97 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 25 Nov 1826, Page 3
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