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  2. No title

    His Excellency the Governor in Chief has thought proper to direct, that all Public Communications, which may appear in the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, signed with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official Communications made to those Persons to whom they may relate. ...

    Article : 77 words
  3. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 328 words

    WHEREAS THOMAS STANLEY, holding a Conditional Pardon, and lately employed as a Sawyer at Port Stephens, stands charged, on Oath, with being deeply ...

    Article : 305 words
  5. In the Suprime Court. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, SEPT. 27, 1826.

    ON Friday, the 6th of October next, at 11 o'Clock, the Sheriff will cause to be put up for Sale, at his Office, a Valuable ESTATE, on the First Brnach of [?]unter's-river, within 20 Mi[?]es of Newcastle, containing 1300 Acres (further Particulars of ...

    Article : 77 words
  6. Government Notice.

    PERSONS, willing to Contract tor the CONVEYANCE of TWENTY-FIVE TONS of COAL from Newcastle to Sydney weekly, from the 10th of October to the 1st of ...

    Article : 70 words
  7. In the Supreme Court.

    ON Wednesday next, the 27th Instant, the Sheriff will cause to be put up for Sale, on the Defendant's Premises (late the Sign of the Archers) in Yorkstreet, the following Furniture, comprising a bedstead, ...

    Article : 69 words
  8. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 92 words
  9. NOTICE.

    THOSE Persons, who have obtained Licences as AUCTIONEERS in Sidney, and the other Townships in the Colony, during the current Year, are requested to send in to this Office, as early as possible, the Dates of their ...

    Article : 83 words
  10. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 4,189 words
  11. Government Notice.

    IN Pursuance of the KING'S Royal Charter in that Behalf, HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR hereby convenes a SPECIAL GENERAL COURT of the said TRUSTEES, ...

    Article : 76 words
  12. Government Notice.

    WHEREAS FREDERICK FISHER, by the Ship Atlas, holding a Ticket of Leave, and lately residing at Campbell Town, has disappeared within the last Three Months; ...

    Article : 95 words
  13. Government Notice.

    HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR hereby gives Notice, that certain RULES AND ORDERS OF THE SUPREME COURT, dated the 9th Day of September Instant, and ...

    Article : 59 words



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